National Archives Microfilm Publication M816
"Registers of Signatures of Depositors in Branches of the Freedmen's Saving and Trust Company 1865 - 1874"
Roll 1, Huntsville, Alabama accounts 1-1698, Nov. 28, 1865 - Aug. 21, 1874
Record for: Mrs. Milbry Matthews
Date and No. of Application: April 4, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Height Age and Complexion: 27, Med. Brown
Father (James) or Mother (Delia) ? Married? Husband David Matthews
Name of Children: one adopted son, Samuel Matthews
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth: Milagesville, Georgia
Residence: Huntsville, Ala., Madison Co.
Occupation: Washing & Ironing
REMARKS: I have three bros. James, Hezziah, George, sisters Sarah Anna, Harriett & Caroline Queen Victoria, all living in Georgia.
Record for: John Ward
Date and No. of Application: April 11, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Height Age and Complexion: 23, Brown, Dark
Father (John) or Mother (Rachel) ? Married? none
Name of Children:
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth: Huntsville, Ala.
Residence: Huntsville, Ala.
Occupation: Labor
REMARKS: I have 3 brothers Tom & Phesto, David is in Texas, Tom is Nashville, 2 sisters Lara & Lucy living in Huntsville.
Record for: Ellis & Evaline Patton
Date and No. of Application: April 9, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Height Age and Complexion: 16, Yellow
Father (Henry Watts) or Mother (Jane Selicks) ? Married? no
Name of Children:
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth: Mississippi
Residence: Huntsville, Ala., Madison Co.
Occupation: House servant
REMARKS: I have one brother Phill Brayan, sisters, Mattie, Armena, Thiyare, all living. Sisters in Miss., bros. Florence Ala.
Record for: John Jones & Marthy
Date and No. of Application: April 1, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Height Age and Complexion: 40
Father (David) or Mother (Louisa) ? Married? Martha Jones
Name of Children: Two, girl 11, Carla, boy John Jones.
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth: Limestone Co., Ala.
Residence: Huntsville, Ala., Madison Co.
Occupation: Laborer
REMARKS: I have 2 sisters Susan, Parelie, bros. 2, Elex, Davy, all were living when last I heard of them.
Record for: John Davis & Dulcinia Davis
Date and No. of Application: April 12, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Height Age and Complexion: 35, Yellow
Father (Abraham) or Mother (Tempy) ? Married? John Davis
Name of Children: Three, Alice, Zebula, Hattie
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth: Huntsville, Ala.
Residence: Corinth, Mississippi
Occupation: Keeping house
REMARKS: I have one sister Charlotte living in Nashville, Tenn. Robt. is my brother name living in Huntsville.
Record for: Georgiana Rivers
Date and No. of Application: April 15, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Height Age and Complexion: 32, Dark
Father (Jacob) or Mother (Dianah) ? Married?
Name of Children: one, Robert Smith
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth: Eatington, Georgia
Residence: On the Whitesburgh Pike at Soldiers garrison
Occupation: Cook, wash & iron
REMARKS: I have two brothers Nathan, Lawson, sisters 2, Arrena & Frances. All are living in Eatington, Ga. except Frances she lives in Macon, Ga.
Record for: Alfred Pope
Date and No. of Application: April 12, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Height Age and Complexion: 44, Light Brown
Father (Randle) or Mother (Winy) ? Married? Sarah
Name of Children: 6 living, Huy, James A., George N., Mary A., Sara J., William T.
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth: Morgan Co., Ala. near Sumerville, Ala.
Residence: Huntsville, Ala.
Occupation: Porter at Corinth, Miss.
REMARKS: I have 2 living brother Henry & Banks, 3 sister, Francis, Mary, Adeline. Francis is living in Morgan Co., Ala., but I don't know whether the other two sisters lives or not.
Record for: Rose Williams
Date and No. of Application: April 14, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Height Age and Complexion: Yellow
Father or Mother ? Married?
Name of Children:
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth:
Record for: Robert Terrell
Date and No. of Application: April 14, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Height Age and Complexion: Yellow
Father (William) or Mother (Lealia) ? Married? none
Name of Children:
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth: Huntsville, Ala.
Residence: Huntsville, Ala.
Occupation: School boy
REMARKS: 3 brothers, Johny, Alonzo, William, living 3 sisters Mary & Marthy, twins, & Lealia.
Record for: Jessie Jones
Date and No. of Application: April 16, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Plantation: Edward Spottswood's
Height Age and Complexion: 13, Dark
Father (Westley) or Mother (Sophronia) ? Married?
Name of Children:
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth: Madison County, near Huntsville
Residence: Huntsville, Ala.
Occupation: Am attending school now.
REMARKS: I have one bro. Joseph, sisters one. Bro. living but sister dead, I don't know where he lives.
Record for: Charly Jones
Date and No. of Application: April 14, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Height Age and Complexion: 18, Light Brown
Father (David) or Mother (Milly) ? Married? none
Name of Children:
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth: Huntsville, Ala.
Residence: Huntsville
Occupation: Grave Diger
REMARKS: I have one brother David, 2 sisters Sallie & Ellen.
Record for: Eliza Gray
Date and No. of Application:
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Height Age and Complexion:
Father or Mother ? Married?
Name of Children:
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth:
Record for: Philip Bradford
Date and No. of Application: April 16, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Plantation: Puss Yeatman
Height Age and Complexion: 54, Brown
Father (Steven) or Mother (Franky) ? Married? Sallie
Name of Children: 2 living, Davis & Mary, 2 dead
Regiment and Company: 17 R. Co. II
Place of Birth: near Huntsville, Ala.
Residence: Puss Yeatman
Occupation: Farmer
REMARKS: I have King & Aaron & Jack & Charles, 2 dead Charles & Aaron. 2 sister, Minty & Dealey living.
Record for: King Chapman
Date and No. of Application: April 18, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Height Age and Complexion: 12, Brown
Father (Thomas) or Mother (Virginia) ? Married? none
Name of Children:
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth: Huntsville, Ala.
Residence: Huntsville, Ala.
Occupation: Laborer
REMARKS: I have 3 bro. Isiah, Albert, Thomas. Sister 2, Fannie, Adeline. They are all living in or near Huntsville, Ala.
Record for: James Dickson
Date and No. of Application: April 16, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Height Age and Complexion: 29, Black
Father (Alfred) or Mother (Eveline) ? Married? Lucy
Name of Children: none
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth: Fayetteville, Tenn., Lincoln Co.
Residence: Huntsville, Ala.
Occupation: Plaster
Record for: Amanda Clemen
Date and No. of Application: April 16, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Height Age and Complexion:
Father or Mother ? Married?
Name of Children:
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth:
Record for: Fannie Gordon
Date and No. of Application: April 8, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Height Age and Complexion: 14, Brown
Father (John) or Mother (Lucy) ? Married? none
Name of Children:
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth: Missouri
Residence: Huntsville, Ala., Madison Co.
Occupation: Nurse
REMARKS: I have two brothers George & Solomon, sisters four, Laura, Harriett, Courtney, Nannie, they are all living in Bolden Green, Ky.
Record for: L. Morris & Sampson
Date and No. of Application: April 20, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Height Age and Complexion:
Father or Mother ? Married?
Name of Children:
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth:
Occupation: Bar or Saloon Keeper
Record for: Austin Oaty
Date and No. of Application: April 18, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Height Age and Complexion: 90, Brown
Father (David) or Mother (Violette) ? Married? Clarrenda
Name of Children: Mary Smith, Martha Modeston, Amanda Strong
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth: Brunswick Co., Virginia
Residence: Huntsville, Ala.
Occupation: Laborer
REMARKS: I have one brother Antony. I do not know where he is nor whether is living or not.
Record for: Mackey R. Murray
Date and No. of Application: April 10, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Height Age and Complexion: White
Father (A. M. Murray) or Mother ? Married?
Name of Children:
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth: Huntsville, Ala.
Residence: Huntsville, Ala.
Occupation: none - a very small boy.
Record for: Charlie Read
Date and No. of Application: April 20, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Height Age and Complexion: White
Father or Mother ? Married?
Name of Children:
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth:
Residence: Huntsville, Ala. at A. M. Murray
Occupation: none - boy
Record for: A. W. McCullough
Date and No. of Application:
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Height Age and Complexion:
Father or Mother ? Married?
Name of Children:
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth:
Record for: Zick Davis
Date and No. of Application: April 21, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Height Age and Complexion: 36, Black
Father (Zick Davis Jr.) or Mother (Nancy) ? Married? none
Name of Children: 1, Lucy Davis
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth: Tuscaloosa, Ala.
Residence: Huntsville, Ala.
Occupation: Laborer
REMARKS: I have six bro., Cylow, Isom, Ruben, Chance, Peter, Gilbert. 3 sister Caroline, Harriett, Nana. All living near Tuscaloosa, Ala.
Record for: Jackson White
Date and No. of Application: April 22, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Height Age and Complexion: 21, Yellow
Father (Carson) or Mother (Julia) ? Married? none
Name of Children:
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth: Virginia
Residence: Huntsville, Ala.
Occupation: Dining room servant
REMARKS: I have two bros. Milton & Willey, sisters (3) Laura, May & Amanda. They are all residing in Huntsville, Ala.
Record for: Cornelia Bibb
Date and No. of Application: April 22, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Height Age and Complexion: 38, Black
Father (Manuel) or Mother (Sinia) ? Married? none
Name of Children: 2, Winny & Pleasant
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth: Madison Co.
Residence: Huntsville, Ala.
Occupation: Washing & Ironing
REMARKS: I want Winny & Pleasant to give Indian & Thomas some of this money if I should die with it in the bank. I have one brother Archie I don't know where he is.