National Archives Microfilm Publication M816
"Registers of Signatures of Depositors in Branches of the Freedmen's Saving and Trust Company 1865 - 1874"
Roll 1, Huntsville, Alabama accounts 1-1698, Nov. 28, 1865 - Aug. 21, 1874
Record for: Edith Wilson
Date and No. of Application: September 2, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Height Age and Complexion: 37, Light brown
Father (Willy) or Mother (Francis) ? Married? James Wilson
Name of Children: One, Willy
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth: Near Madison, Ala.
Residence: Huntsville, Ala.
Occupation: House Servant
REMARKS: I have 4 brothers, Robert, Ely, James, Jessie, 4 sisters, Carthern, Jane J., Celey, Larada
Record for: Dean Miller
Date and No. of Application: August 22, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Height Age and Complexion: Brown
Father or Mother ? Married?
Name of Children:
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth:
Record for: Daniel Brandon
Date and No. of Application: September 3, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Height Age and Complexion: 22, Yellow
Father (Robt.) or Mother (Martha) ? Married? Maria
Name of Children: 1, Charley F.
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth: Huntsville, Ala.
Residence: Huntsville, Ala.
Occupation: School Teacher
REMARKS: I have 5 brothers, Henderson, Robert, Claudius, Alfred, William, 7 sisters, Mary, Manerva, Sophia, Jane, Marthy, Callie, Amanda.
Record for: Miss Nancy Crayton
Date and No. of Application: September 10, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Height Age and Complexion: 25, Brown
Father (Bennett) or Mother (Lizie) ? Married? None
Name of Children: 1, Luther
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth: Oakville, Ala.
Residence: Huntsville
Occupation: Cook
REMARKS: I have one brother, William, one sister Amy, one sister dead Margrette, one brother Thomas, mother is dead.
Record for: Alfred Scruggs
Date and No. of Application: September 12, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Plantation: Killand White
Height Age and Complexion: 45, Brown
Father (?Muless) or Mother (Jane) ? Married? Louisa
Name of Children: 1, William
Regiment and Company: None
Place of Birth: Ala., Madison Co.
Residence: Ala.
Occupation: Farmer
REMARKS: I have brothers Lewis & ?Muless, sisters (3) viz., Vina, Matilda & Elizabeth.
Record for: Maria Boone by her father Isac Boone
Date and No. of Application: September 10, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Height Age and Complexion: 14
Father or Mother ? Married?
Name of Children:
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth:
Residence: Huntsville
Occupation: School girl.
Record for: Isac Boone
Date and No. of Application: September 12, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Height Age and Complexion: 35, Dark
Father (Benjamin) or Mother (Bettey) ? Married? Clara
Name of Children: 4, Maria, Isac, Robt., Amanda
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth: About Meredian, Ala., about 10 miles from Huntsville
Residence: Huntsville
Occupation: Carpenter
REMARKS: I have 2 brothers J. Turner, William Chambers, 5 sister, Malisa, Caledonia, Alenica, Harrett, Luvenia, all living.
Record for: John Cammack
Date and No. of Application: September 15, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Plantation: James Boulin
Height Age and Complexion: 31, Brown
Father (don't know) or Mother (don't know) ? Married? None
Name of Children: None
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth: South Carolina
Residence: James Boulin
Occupation: Farmer
REMARKS: I have no brothers that I know nor sisters, I was never married.
Record for: William Vallentine
Date and No. of Application: September 17, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Plantation: John Simpson
Height Age and Complexion: 22, Black
Father (Bob) or Mother (Susan) ? Married? Sallie
Name of Children: 2, Edey, George ?Amon
Regiment and Company: 44 Reg. Co. "I"
Place of Birth: North Carolina
Residence: John Simpson
Occupation: Farmer
REMARKS: I have 2 brothers James & Robert, 3 sisters Jane, Henrietta & Diana.
Record for: Luke Turner
Date and No. of Application: September 16, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Height Age and Complexion: 85, Brown
Father or Mother ? Married? Manda
Name of Children: 8, Matilda, Ned, Thomas, Prior, Ellener, Prudence, Maria, Melvinie
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth: Virginia
Residence: Huntsville
Record for: Juda Ragland
Date and No. of Application: September 17, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Height Age and Complexion: Age don't know, Brown
Father (Ceasar) or Mother (Hattie) ? Married? Lee
Name of Children: 1, Elzira
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth: Ala., Madison Co.
Residence: Huntsville
Occupation: Wash & Iron
REMARKS: I have 2 brothers Jessie, Jacob (dead) Luscumbia, Ala., sisters 1, Maria living in Huntsville.
Record for: Lee Bradford
Date and No. of Application: September 24, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Plantation: David L. Moore
Height Age and Complexion: 38, Yellow
Father (Bradford) or Mother (Clara) ? Married? Marthy
Name of Children: 3, Richard, Pocahontas & James
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth: Tennessee
Residence: David L. Moore
Occupation: Farmer
REMARKS: I have one brother Isack and sister Elisabeth Bernard. Can't write.
Record for: Willis Thompson
Date and No. of Application: September 26, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Plantation: Ben Harris
Height Age and Complexion: 26, Brown
Father (William) or Mother (Mary) ? Married? No.
Name of Children: None
Regiment and Company: 13th Co. "I" USCI
Place of Birth: Ala., Morgan
Residence: Limestone, Co.
Occupation: Farmer
REMARKS: I have 1 brother, 2 sisters, all living in Ala., Limestone Co.
Record for: Harrison Hunter
Date and No. of Application: September 27, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Height Age and Complexion: 23, Dark brown
Father (Robt.) or Mother (Ruth) ? Married? No.
Name of Children: None
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth: Georgia, Newton Co.
Residence: Huntsville, Ala., Madison Co.
Occupation: Laborer
REMARKS: I have 1 bro. Anderson, sisters none living, in Georgia, Newton. Co.
Record for: Charles Fearn
Date and No. of Application: September 28, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Height Age and Complexion: 22, Brown
Father (Albert) or Mother (Ann) ? Married? No.
Name of Children: None
Regiment and Company: None
Place of Birth: Huntsville, Ala.
Residence: Huntsville, Ala., Madison Co.
Occupation: Laborer
REMARKS: I have 5 brothers & 2 sisters all living in Huntsville.
Record for: Peter Jones
Date and No. of Application: September 28, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Plantation: Eliza A. Steele
Height Age and Complexion: 36, Light
Father (Alex) or Mother (Dicy) ? Married? Wife Amanda
Name of Children: 4, Geo., Susan, Peter & Walter
Regiment and Company: None
Place of Birth: Chesterfield, Va.
Residence: Ala., Madison Co.
Occupation: Farmer
REMARKS: I have 4 brothers Chreed, Peyton, Patterson & Henry & 1 sister all living in Va. Chesterfield Co.
Record for: Benjamin Carter
Date and No. of Application: September 28, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Plantation: Harris Plantation
Height Age and Complexion: 49, Brown
Father (Nathan) or Mother (Polly) ? Married? Mary
Name of Children: 7 living, David, Alvin, Nathan, James, Amy, Milly, Luke
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth: Raymond Co., Georgia
Residence: Harris 4 1/2 miles from Town
Occupation: Farmer
REMARKS: I have one brother (dead) Luke, 4 sister Manda, Dilcy, Rhoady, Annie, Manda is dead, Rhoady I don't know where she is, Dilcy is (dead), Annie is with me.
Record for: Charley Miller & James Scruggs & Edward Pope
Date and No. of Application: Restaurant
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Height Age and Complexion:
Father or Mother ? Married?
Name of Children:
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth:
Record for: Green McDaniel
Date and No. of Application: October 1, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Height Age and Complexion: 25, Brown
Father (John) or Mother (Rosatta) ? Married? Wife Dolly
Name of Children: 7, James, Jane, Sarah, William, Virginia, Malinda, Benjamin
Regiment and Company: 106, Co. "H", USCI
Place of Birth: Tenn., Warren Co.
Residence: Lawrence Co., Ala. near Hillsboro
Occupation: Farmer
REMARKS: I have 5 bros. Lewis, Charles, Lorenzo, Derham, William, sisters 3, Sarah, Eliza & Ann all living in Tenn.
Record for: Reuben Basbey or Barbee
Date and No. of Application: October 1, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Height Age and Complexion: 34, Black
Father (Moses) or Mother (Maria) ? Married? Wife Margaret
Name of Children: 1, Augustus
Regiment and Company: 40th Co. "G" USCI
Place of Birth: Ala., Lawrence Co.
Residence: Hillsboro, Ala.
Occupation: Farmer
REMARKS: I have Bros. 1, viz., Moody, Sisters 4, Lettie, Catharine, Ann & Louisa all living in Ala.
Record for: Polly Douglas
Date and No. of Application: October 1, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Plantation: Ervin Plantation
Height Age and Complexion: 50, Black
Father (Toney) or Mother (Moarning) ? Married? Harry
Name of Children: 3, Geo. (dead), Lewis (dead), Julia
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth: Virginia
Residence: Ala., Madison Co.
Occupation: Laborer
REMARKS: I have 3 bros. Geo., Matt & Joseph, sisters 3 Wenonah, Jane & Mahala, all living in VA. when I heard or saw them.
Record for: Willy Jones
Date and No. of Application: October 3, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Height Age and Complexion: 55, Yellow
Father (Brinkly) or Mother (Kisey) ? Married? Emily
Name of Children: 2, Caledonia & Henrietta
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth: North Carolina
Residence: Huntsville
Occupation: R. R. Labor
REMARKS: I have one brother, Prince, one sister Lucy, I think she is (dead) I want my two daughters at my death to have the money that I have on deposit.
Record for: John Jackson
Date and No. of Application: October 3, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Height Age and Complexion: 22, Dark
Father (Jack) or Mother (Harriet) ? Married? Wife Sarah
Name of Children: 1, Martha Ann
Regiment and Company: 42 Co. "C" USCI
Place of Birth: Ala., Madison Co.
Residence: Huntsville, Ala., Madison Co.
Occupation: Apprenticed
REMARKS: I have 2 brothers David (Ala.) Joseph (Ark.), sisters none.
Record for: Sarah Landman
Date and No. of Application: October 3, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Height Age and Complexion: 80, Brown
Father (don't know) or Mother (Sallie) ? Married? Husband Benj.
Name of Children: 7, Eliza, Adaline, Fannie, Carolina, Albert, John, Dick
Regiment and Company: None
Place of Birth: Va., Frederk Burgh Co.
Residence: Ala., Madison Co.
Occupation: Laborer
REMARKS: I have 6 bro. Jim, Sam, Seth, Edward, Bob, Dick, sisters 2, Eliza, Daphney, when last I heard of or seen them they were living on the other side of the Tenn. River.
Record for: J. H. Wager
Date and No. of Application: October 3, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Height Age and Complexion:
Father or Mother ? Married?
Name of Children:
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth:
Record for: J. D. Sibly
Date and No. of Application: October 3, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Height Age and Complexion:
Father or Mother ? Married?
Name of Children:
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth:
Record for: Rosa Ward by her son Webber Ward
Date and No. of Application: October 4, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Height Age and Complexion:
Father or Mother ? Married?
Name of Children:
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth:
Record for: Thomas Fletcher
Date and No. of Application: October 4, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Plantation: Ned Fletcher
Height Age and Complexion: 52, Black
Father (Tom) or Mother (Polly) ? Married? Wife Louisa
Name of Children: 1, Louisa
Regiment and Company: 15th Co. "C" USCI
Place of Birth: Virginia, Brunswick Co.
Residence: Ala., Limestone Co.
Occupation: Farmer
REMARKS: I have 1 brother Lewis, sisters 1 Kattie, both residing in Ala., Limestone Co.
Record for: Fannie May
Date and No. of Application: October 6, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Height Age and Complexion: 21, Mid Brown
Father (Ben) or Mother (Sarah) ? Married? Dan
Name of Children: 2, Willie & James
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth: Ala., Madison Co.
Residence: Ala., Madison Co.
Occupation: Farmer
REMARKS: I have 3 bro. Albert, Dick & John, 3 sisters Adeline, Eliza & Caroline all living in Ala.
Record for: Clarcy McCally by Mrs. Clara White
Date and No. of Application: October 6, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Height Age and Complexion:
Father or Mother ? Married?
Name of Children:
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth:
Record for: Nicholes Goldston
Date and No. of Application: October 6, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Plantation: Lacy Plantation
Height Age and Complexion: 52, Yellow
Father (James) or Mother (Fannie) ? Married? Sallie
Name of Children: 5, Richardson, Jenetta, Ann, Dany & Alabam
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth: Brusnwick, Va.
Residence: Thos. Lacey
Occupation: Farmer & Smith
REMARKS: I have 5 brother, Woodford, Antony, Hubard, James C. & Cornelious, 8 sister, Marthy, Nesha, Ellie, Essey, Shortest, Bettsy & Susan. I left them all in Virginia, sister & brother.
Record for: Thorton Wiggins
Date and No. of Application: October 8, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Plantation: The Ragland Tract
Height Age and Complexion: 24, Black
Father (Adam) or Mother (Dolly) ? Married? Siler
Name of Children: None living, one dead
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth: Madison County
Residence: Jones, the Ragland Tract
Occupation: Farmer
REMARKS: I have two brothers Mat, Harry, one sister Hasty.
Record for: Berry Grepham
Date and No. of Application: October 11, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Plantation: Benjamin Rogers Plantation
Height Age and Complexion: 20, Brown
Father (Tibb) or Mother (Matilda) ? Married? No.
Name of Children: None
Regiment and Company: 24 Co. "C" USCI
Place of Birth: Casle Co., Ga.
Residence: Huntsville, Ala.
Occupation: Laborer
REMARKS: I have 2 brothers viz., Ceabron & Dick, sisters 2 Lewberta & Cilla all living in Chattanooga, Tenn.
Record for: Joseph Henry
Date and No. of Application: October 12, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Plantation: Benjamin Rogers Plantation
Height Age and Complexion: 30, Brown
Father (Joseph) or Mother (Rachel) ? Married? None
Name of Children: None
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth: Madison County at Widow Rogers
Residence: Benj. Rogers
Occupation: Farmer
REMARKS: I have one brother George Washington I have no sister. I lost my by horses running away and pulled it off.
Record for: Samuel Alman
Date and No. of Application: October 15, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Height Age and Complexion: Age don't know, Black
Father (don't know) or Mother (Linda) ? Married? None
Name of Children: None
Regiment and Company: Co. "A" 110 Regt.
Place of Birth: Marion Co., Ala.
Residence: Bill Kenard
Occupation: Laborer
REMARKS: I have no brother or sister and never did have.