National Archives Microfilm Publication M816
"Registers of Signatures of Depositors in Branches of the Freedmen's Saving and Trust Company 1865 - 1874"
Roll 1, Huntsville, Alabama accounts 1-1698, Nov. 28, 1865 - Aug. 21, 1874
Record for: Caleb Beasley
Date and No. of Application: October 16, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Plantation: Luke Mathews Plantation
Height Age and Complexion: 48, Black
Father (Tim) or Mother (Rose) ? Married? Maria
Name of Children: 3, Isabella, Geo. & Martha
Regiment and Company: 12 Co. "D" USCI
Place of Birth: Va., Brunswick
Residence: Ala., Madison Co.
Occupation: Farmer
REMARKS: I have 2 bro. viz., William, Harry, sisters none, living in Ala., Madison Co.
Record for: Berry Jones
Date and No. of Application: October 22, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Plantation: Martin Vaugh Plantation
Height Age and Complexion: 26, Yellow
Father (Berry) or Mother (Priscilla) ? Married? Manda
Name of Children: One living, William Walker
Regiment and Company: 15 Reg. Co. "D"
Place of Birth: Near Triana
Residence: Near Triana
Occupation: Farmer
REMARKS: I have no brothers living one dead James Anderson, two sisters Francis (Nashville) & Sarah (Triana).
Record for: David Johnson
Date and No. of Application: October 25, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Plantation: Freeman ?Geogh Plantation
Height Age and Complexion: 34, Mid brown
Father (Stephen) or Mother (Sarah) ? Married? Mary
Name of Children: 3, Geo., Malinda, Sanford
Regiment and Company: 106 Co. "A" USCI
Place of Birth: Ala., Morgan Co.
Residence: Ala.
Occupation: Farmer
REMARKS: I have 3 bros. viz., Willis (dead), Mark (dead), Charles (dead), Willy, Moses, ?Thomas living in Ala. Sisters 3, Maria (Ala.), Malinda, Fannie (Ala.)
Record for: Betsy Dent
Date and No. of Application: October 17, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Plantation: Collier Plantation
Height Age and Complexion: 36, Black
Father (Dannie) or Mother (Sarah) ? Married? Orwell
Name of Children: 2, Burrell & Gee
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth: Limestone Co., Ala.
Residence: Limestone Co., Ala.
Occupation: Farmer
REMARKS: I have 3 bros. viz., Edward, Pompay, Dan, sisters 1, Eliza Ann all living in Ala., Limestone.
Record for: Parphenia Robinson
Date and No. of Application: October 21, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Height Age and Complexion: 39, Dark
Father (Joe) or Mother (Hennetta) ? Married? Thomas (dead)
Name of Children: None
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth: Ala., Limestone Co.
Residence: Huntsville, Ala.
Occupation: Laborer
REMARKS: I have 4 brothers Silas, Joe, Henry, Jerry, sisters 2, Julia, Lucy, all living in Ala.
Record for: Harvey Burleston
Date and No. of Application:
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Height Age and Complexion:
Father or Mother ? Married?
Name of Children:
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth:
Record for: Darley Beadle
Date and No. of Application: October 28, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Height Age and Complexion:
Father or Mother ? Married?
Name of Children:
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth:
Record for: Jefferson Shackleford
Date and No. of Application: October 28, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Plantation: S. Sykes Plantation
Height Age and Complexion: 30, Mid brown
Father (Oliver) or Mother (Betsy) ? Married? None
Name of Children: (1), Betsy
Regiment and Company: 55 Co. "H" USCI
Place of Birth: Ala
Residence: Lawrence Co., Ala.
Occupation: Farmer
REMARKS: I have 1 bro. Camel, sisters 6, Martha (Ala.), Amanda (Ark.), Lalona (Ala.), Ellen (Ala.), Mary (Miss.), all living.
Record for: James Clements
Date and No. of Application: October 28, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Height Age and Complexion: 10, Black
Father (Jessie) or Mother (Eliza) ? Married?
Name of Children:
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth: Alabama, Madison Co.
Residence: Huntsville, Ala.
Occupation: Laborer
REMARKS: I have 3 bros. viz., Joe, Chas. and Robt. Sisters 1, Mary all living in Huntsville, Ala.
Record for: Amanda Jones
Date and No. of Application: October 29, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Height Age and Complexion: 53, Brown
Father (George) or Mother (Delia) ? Married? None (dead)
Name of Children: 3, John, Delia, Hannah
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth: Virginia, Woodstock, Shando County
Residence: In Huntsville
Occupation: Doctors
REMARKS: I have one brother I don't know where he is, one sister gone Washington.
Record for: Ellen Levette
Date and No. of Application: October 31, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Height Age and Complexion: 27, Mid brown
Father (Wm.) or Mother (Rhoda) ? Married? Charles
Name of Children: 4, Hartwell, Billy, Caroline, Thomas
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth: South Carolina
Residence: Alabama, Madison Co.
Occupation: Laborer
REMARKS: I have 4 brothers viz., Geo. Washington, Jerry, Martin, Sammy, sisters 2, Francis, Mary, all lining Kingston, Georgia when last heard of them.
Record for: Amos Johnson
Date and No. of Application: November 2, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Height Age and Complexion: 22, Black
Father (Bob) or Mother (Mary) ? Married? No
Name of Children: None
Regiment and Company: 38th Co. "B" USCI
Place of Birth: Savannah, Ga.
Residence: Huntsville, Ala., Madison Co.
Occupation: Laborer
REMARKS: I have 1 brother Mike (dead), no sister.
Record for: Rosetta McCloud
Date and No. of Application: November 2, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Plantation: Thomas White Plantation
Height Age and Complexion: 40, Mid brown
Father (Warner) or Mother (Clarra) ? Married? Alfred
Name of Children: 7, Henry, Jane, Alice, Millie, Mollie, Margrett, Susan
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth: North Carolina
Residence: Ala., Madison Co.
Occupation: Farmer
REMARKS: I have 4 brothers Charles, Joe, Allison, Larry, sisters 3 viz., ?Meridan, Harriett, Lydia (dead), all living in Ala.
Record for: Isac Bradford
Date and No. of Application: November 2, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Plantation: David ?Moss Plantation
Height Age and Complexion: 56, Black
Father (Isac) or Mother (Clarcy) ? Married? Caroline
Name of Children: 3, Elias, Hattie, Claracy
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth: Virginia, McMayhan
Residence: David Moss
Occupation: Farmer
REMARKS: I have two brothers one I don't know where he is, Lee is with me, Richard I don't know where he is, one living sister Elisabeth.
Record for: Charlotte Watkins per Jeremiah Watkins
Date and No. of Application: November 3, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Height Age and Complexion:
Father or Mother ? Married?
Name of Children:
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth:
Record for: Dolly Liggins
Date and No. of Application: November 5, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Height Age and Complexion: 24, Black
Father (Thomas) or Mother (Clara) ? Married? Albert
Name of Children: 2, Aleesta & Thos.
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth: Charleston, S. C.
Residence: Ala., Morgan Co.
Occupation: Seamstress & washer
REMARKS: I have no brothers, 2 sisters Mary (Florida), Mahria (Charleston, S. C.)
Record for: Margaret Jordon
Date and No. of Application: November 8, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Plantation: Bob Fearn Plantation
Height Age and Complexion: 40, Mid brown
Father (Jim) or Mother (Jennie) ? Married? Hampton (dead)
Name of Children: 2, James, Jennie
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth: Ala., Madison Co.
Residence: Ala., Madison Co.
Occupation: Nerse
REMARKS: I have 3 bro. John (Ala.), Calvin (Ala.), Alex (Chattanooga, Tenn.) living.
Record for: Turner Cooper
Date and No. of Application: November 18, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Plantation: Henry Turner Plantation
Height Age and Complexion: 35 or 40, Brown
Father (Sam) or Mother (Amanda) ? Married? Sallie
Name of Children: 4, Samuel, Tabitha, Ellen & Burnsides
Regiment and Company: 15 Regt. Co. "H"
Place of Birth: Virginia, North Hampton County
Residence: Henry Turner
Occupation: Farmer
REMARKS: I have 4 brothers I do no know where 3 or them are, one of them Micle is in Madison County, Ala., 3 sisters Maria (Limestone County), Clarenda (Nashville), Marthy (in Coldwater, Tenn.).
Record for: Clark Holland
Date and No. of Application: November 25, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Height Age and Complexion: 26, Yellow
Father (Gillum) or Mother (Edith) ? Married? Wife Nelly
Name of Children: No
Regiment and Company: 40th Co. "I" USCI
Place of Birth: Lawrence Co., Ala.
Residence: Ala., Lawrence Co.
Occupation: Farmer
REMARKS: I have 3 bro. Henry (Chatta.), John (NC), Taylor (Miss.), no sisters living, bros. living.
Record for: Aaron Pruit
Date and No. of Application: November 25, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Plantation: Jack Farris Plantation
Height Age and Complexion: 23, Black
Father (Charles) or Mother (Nancy) ? Married? None
Name of Children: None
Regiment and Company: None
Place of Birth: South Ala, Morgan
Residence: Jack Farris
Occupation: Farmer
REMARKS: I have four brothers Thomas B., James P., Sims P., Larkin P., four sisters Lucinda & Claracy, Elsa, Sally, all living in Madison County.
Record for: Squire Penney
Date and No. of Application: November 28, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Height Age and Complexion: 34, Yellow
Father (Lewis) or Mother (Celey) ? Married? Wife Lizzie
Name of Children: None
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth: Ala., Madison Co.
Residence: Huntsville, Ala.
Occupation: Farmer
REMARKS: I have 4 brothers Gus, Edmund & Berry, Jessee, sisters 5, Harriet, Matilda, Mary, Amanda, ?Virginia all living.
Record for: Joe McCrary
Date and No. of Application: November 28, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Height Age and Complexion: 9, Brown
Father (Frank) or Mother (Carolin) ? Married?
Name of Children:
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth: Huntsville, Ala.
Residence: Huntsville, Ala.
Occupation: School boy
REMARKS: I have no brothers, sisters 2, Hattie, Lulla all living in Huntsville, Ala.
Record for: Hattie McCrary
Date and No. of Application: November 28, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Height Age and Complexion: ?14, Light brown
Father (Frank) or Mother (Carolin) ? Married?
Name of Children:
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth: Huntsville, Ala.
Residence: Huntsville, Ala.
REMARKS: I have 1 brother, 1 sister Lulla, living in Huntsville, Ala.
Record for: Benjamin Jackson
Date and No. of Application: December 12, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Height Age and Complexion: 23, Black
Father (William) or Mother (Betsy) ? Married? None
Name of Children: Alice
Regiment and Company: Co. ?"H" Reg. 40
Place of Birth: Virginia, Fort Care
Residence: Huntsville
Occupation: Hotel Porter
REMARKS: I have one brother Bob, 3 sisters Milly, Ann, Sophia all in Virginia.
Record for: Jane Robinson
Date and No. of Application: December 12, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Height Age and Complexion: 30, Mid brown
Father (Wm.) or Mother (Hanah) ? Married? John
Name of Children: None
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth: Maryland, Montgomery Co.
Residence: Huntsville, Ala.
Occupation: Housekeeper
REMARKS: I have no bros. nor sisters.
Record for: Amanda Eldridge
Date and No. of Application: November 28, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Height Age and Complexion: 50, Brown
Father (Benj.) or Mother (Jennie) ? Married? Ulace
Name of Children: 2, Carolina & Mary Jane
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth: Ala.
Residence: Huntsville, Ala.
Occupation: Laborer
REMARKS: I have 1 bro. John, sisters 1, I do not know whether either of them are living or not.
Record for: James Pruit by Charles Pruit
Date and No. of Application: November 30, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Plantation: Jack Farris Plantation
Height Age and Complexion: 22, Black
Father (Chas.) or Mother (Nancy) ? Married? No
Name of Children: None
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth: South Ala., Montgomery Co.
Residence: Ala., Madison Co.
Occupation: Farmer
REMARKS: I have 4 bros. Aaron, Sims, Larkin, Tom, sisters 4, Clarisy, Sallie, Eliza, Lucinda all living in Ala.
Record for: John King
Date and No. of Application: December 2, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Height Age and Complexion: 32, Black
Father (Peter) or Mother (Malinda) ? Married? Wife Julia
Name of Children: 3, Matilda, Vina & Cornelious
Regiment and Company: 14 Co. "I" USCI
Place of Birth: Ala., Lawrence Co.
Residence: Ala., Lawrence Co.
Occupation: Farmer
REMARKS: I have 2 bros. Mack (Ark.) & Dock (Ark.), sisters 3 Sarah (Ala.), Cornelia (Ala.), & Nellie (Ark.), living in different states.
Record for: Dennis Donegan Jr.
Date and No. of Application: December 2, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Height Age and Complexion: Brown
Father (Denis) or Mother (Ersey) ? Married? None
Name of Children: None
Regiment and Company: None
Place of Birth: Huntsville, Ala.
Residence: Huntsville, Ala.
Occupation: School boy
REMARKS: I have 2 sisters Carry & Marthy, one Alfred.
Record for: Philis Jacobs
Date and No. of Application:
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Height Age and Complexion:
Father or Mother ? Married?
Name of Children:
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth:
Record for: Anna Gaston
Date and No. of Application: December 3, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Height Age and Complexion:
Father or Mother ? Married?
Name of Children:
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth:
Record for: Polly Carter
Date and No. of Application: December 5, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Plantation: William Blackwell Plantation
Height Age and Complexion: 70, Brown
Father (don't know) or Mother (don't know) ? Married? Franky
Name of Children: None
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth: Virginia
Residence: William H. Blackwell
Occupation: Farmer
REMARKS: I have no kind at all I have in Alabama Franky seven years.
Record for: Josiah Lampkins
Date and No. of Application: December 6, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Plantation: Thos. Murray Plantation
Height Age and Complexion: 45, Yellow
Father (don't know) or Mother (Rachel) ? Married? Violet
Name of Children: 1, William Lee
Regiment and Company: Sergt., 40th Co. "G" USCI
Place of Birth: Georgia
Residence: Ala., Limestone Co.
Occupation: Farmer
REMARKS: I have no bro., sisters none.
Record for: Basmath Daniel
Date and No. of Application: December 5, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Height Age and Complexion: 11, Mid brown
Father (Larry) or Mother (Narcisa) ? Married?
Name of Children:
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth: Jackson Co., Ala.
Residence: Huntsville, Ala.
Occupation: School girl
REMARKS: I have 1 bro. Napoleon, sisters 2, Mary E. Daniel, Chaina Jane Daniel, both living at Huntsville, Ala.
Record for: Amir Terrell
Date and No. of Application: December 5, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Height Age and Complexion:
Father or Mother ? Married?
Name of Children:
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth: