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The Freedmen's Bureau Online

National Archives Microfilm Publication M816
"Registers of Signatures of Depositors in Branches of the Freedmen's Saving and Trust Company 1865 - 1874"

Roll 1, Huntsville, Alabama accounts 1-1698, Nov. 28, 1865 - Aug. 21, 1874

Record for: Raymond Hudson
Date and No. of Application: October 18th, 1869
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Height Age and Complexion: 15, Brown
Father (Bill) or Mother (Maria) Married? None.
Name of Children: None.
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth: August, Ga.
Residence: Huntsville
Occupation: Porter
REMARKS: I have one sister June, 3 brothers John, Henry, William Hudson

Record for: Joseph Raglin
Date and No. of Application: October 25th, 1869
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Plantation: Gus Mastin
Height Age and Complexion: 45, Black
Father (David) or Mother (Louisa) Married? Mary
Name of Children: 3, Tilman, Jaspie, and baby
Regiment and Company: 15 R. Co. "D"
Place of Birth: Triana, Ala.
Residence: Gus Mastin
Occupation: Farmer
REMARKS: I have one brother, Taylor, 6 sister, Liddy, Mary, Manda, Harrett, Betsy, Sarah.

Record for: John Power
Date and No. of Application: October 20th, 1869
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Height Age and Complexion: 16, Yellow
Father (Tomars) or Mother (Ellen) Married? None
Name of Children: None
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth: Huntsville
Residence: Huntsville
Occupation: Porter
REMARKS: I have 3 brothers Charly, Theado, Henry, one sister Henrette.

Record for: Charley Miller
Date and No. of Application: October 26, 1869
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Height Age and Complexion: 38, Yellow
Father (Charles) or Mother (Louisa) Married? Nancy
Name of Children: One, Mary
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth: Wincester, Virginia
Residence: Huntsville, Ala.
Occupation: Restaurant keeper
REMARKS: I have two brothers Robert J. & William L. Miller, one sister Sarah E. Miller.

Record for: Isac Strong
Date and No. of Application: October 27, 1869
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Plantation: William Mastin
Height Age and Complexion: 46 or 50, Black
Father (Collen) or Mother (Lucky) Married? None
Name of Children: 5, Cealey, Lisey, Tilda, Moses, Dixey
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth: Madison County, Ala.
Residence: Six miles from Huntsville, William Mastin
Occupation: Farmer
REMARKS: I have 3 living brothers Moses, Thomas, Colly, 2 sister living, Cealy & Judy.

Record for: Gorge Ford
Date and No. of Application: October 29th, 1869
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Plantation: John Ford or Widow Ford
Height Age and Complexion: 49, Black
Father (Sam) or Mother (Nancy) Married? Sallie
Name of Children: None of my own, one adopted name Elisabeth, my brother's.
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth: Madison County, Ala.
Residence: John Ford
Occupation: Blacksmith & Farmer
REMARKS: I had 2 brothers Denis, Samuel, one sister Louisa dead in Nashville 1865 with small pox, don't know wher my brothers is I had one more name William.

Record for: Jashar Harris
Date and No. of Application: November 1st, 1869
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Plantation: Huston Bells
Height Age and Complexion: 24, Black
Father (David) or Mother (Maria) Married? Manda
Name of Children: 1, Jashar
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth: Willis Harris Plantation
Residence: Huston Bell
Occupation: Farmer
REMARKS: I have two brothers Vincent, John, 3 sisters, Nelly, Fanny, Mealy Ann.

Record for: Samuel Roper
Date and No. of Application: November 2nd, 1869
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Height Age and Complexion: 18, Black
Father (Gorge) or Mother (Melvina) Married? None
Name of Children: None
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth: Georgia, Poe County
Residence: Huntsville, Ala.
Occupation: Working on rail road.
REMARKS: I have 5 brothers in Gorgia, Baker, Roper, Moses, Thomas, Gravill, one sister Nancy.

Record for: Marshall Strong
Date and No. of Application: November 12th, 1869
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Plantation: Theo Mayhew
Height Age and Complexion: 57, Black
Father (Frank) or Mother (Sarah) Married? Manda
Name of Children: 6 living, Malinda, Sarah, Margrett, Lucy, Biddy, Anner.
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth: North Carolina
Residence: Theo Mayhew
Occupation: Farmer
REMARKS: I have no brother nor sister that I know of, I had three brother but know nothing of them.

Record for: Joseph Beasley
Date and No. of Application: November 13th, 1869
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Plantation: Mat Strong
Height Age and Complexion: 26, Brown
Father (Bill) or Mother (Maria) Married? Emerline
Name of Children: None
Regiment and Company: 12 R. Co. "C"
Place of Birth: Lincoln County, Tenn.
Residence: Mat Strong
Occupation: Farmer
REMARKS: I have one brother Elick, 4 sister Mary Ann, Emmie, Lucinda, Becky.

Record for: Horace Sulivan
Date and No. of Application: September 27th, 1869
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Height Age and Complexion: 22, Yellow
Father (Elick) or Mother (Princis Kestis) Married? None
Name of Children: None
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth: Marian, Ala.
Residence: Huntsville, Ala.
Occupation: Carpenter
REMARKS: I have 4 brothers, Elick, Webster, Paris, Thomas, 4 sister Mary Lisa, Susan, Henrietta, Kitty --- all living in Marian, Ala.

Record for: Daniel Sibley
Date and No. of Application: November 20th, 1869
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Plantation: David Gardner's
Height Age and Complexion: 28, Black and cross eyed
Father (Isac) or Mother (Hanah) Married? Ibby
Name of Children: 2 living, Jack, Willy
Regiment and Company: 15 Transfer 101 R. Co. "B"
Place of Birth: Madison County, Ala.
Residence: Madison County about 15 miles from Huntsville.
Occupation: Farmer
REMARKS: I have two brothers Joe, Sumner, no sister living.

Record for: Frank Morris
Date and No. of Application: November 20th, 1868
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Plantation: Huntsville, Ala.
Height Age and Complexion: 22, Brown
Father (Bate) or Mother (Nelly) Married?
Name of Children: None
Regiment and Company: 111 R. Co. "D"
Place of Birth: Nashville, Tenn.
Residence: Huntsville, Ala.
Occupation: Waiter dining room
REMARKS: I have one brother living, Samuel, 7 living sister Jane, Lucy, Milly, Becky, Cordealiar, Ann, Fanie.

Record for: Casse Walker
Date and No. of Application: November 20th, 1869
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Plantation: Huntsville, Ala.
Height Age and Complexion: Age don't know, Yellow
Father (Lewis) or Mother (Rose) Married? None
Name of Children: 2, Juliar & Harrett
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth: Madison County, Ala.
Residence: Huntsville, Ala.
Occupation: Cook
REMARKS: I have 3 brothers Charles, Steaven, Mayyo Graves, one sister I don't know Rhody Toney.

Record for: Joseph Moore
Date and No. of Application: November 22nd, 1869
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Plantation: Andrew J. Martin
Height Age and Complexion: 26, Yellow
Father (don't know) or Mother (Selvia) Married? Marthy Moore
Name of Children: One, Charly
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth: Madison County, Ala.
Residence: 9 miles from town, Martin's
Occupation: Blacksmith & Farmer
REMARKS: I have no brothers living as I know, one sister in North Carolina Jane Morris.

Record for: William Richardson
Date and No. of Application: November 23rd, 1869
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Height Age and Complexion: 26, Black
Father (Danel) or Mother (Emily) Married? Patta
Name of Children: None
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth: Athens, Ala., Limestone County
Residence: Huntsville
Occupation: Rail R.
REMARKS: I have three brothers Mark, Henry, Nick, one sister Paralee.

Record for: Jeferson Harris
Date and No. of Application: November 25th, 1869
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Plantation: John Mayhew
Height Age and Complexion: 53, Brown
Father (James) or Mother (Lucy) Married? Francis
Name of Children: 6, James Richard, William Edward, Mary Ellen, David, Simina, Thomas
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth: At Danel Harris 4 miles from town.
Residence: John Mayhew
Occupation: Farmer
REMARKS: I have 2 living brothers Ned, Moses, 2 living, Judy, Nancy, Kitty, I understand sister Judy was dead.

Record for: Benj. Gillain
Date and No. of Application: December 13th, 1869
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Height Age and Complexion: Age don't know, about 23, light brown
Father (James) or Mother (Jeny) Married? Mattise
Name of Children: None
Regiment and Company: 12 US At. H.
Place of Birth: Buckingham County, Virginia
Residence: Huntsville, Ala.
Occupation: Porter, Huntsville Hotel
REMARKS: I have two brothers Zackarrih & James, 2 sister Lucy, Lisey Woodson.

Record for: William Jones
Date and No. of Application: November 27th, 1869
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Plantation: Jack Eslinger
Height Age and Complexion: 24, Black
Father (Rolley) or Mother (Gilly) Married? None
Name of Children: None
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth: Huntsville, Ala.
Residence: Jack Eslinger
Occupation: Farmer
REMARKS: I have 4 brother Lucian, John, David, Washington, one sister, Lucy.

Record for: Frank & Sarah Woodruff
Date and No. of Application: December 15th, 1869
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Plantation: Dr. Husey
Height Age and Complexion: 39, Brown
Father (Arron) or Mother (Easter) Married? Frank
Name of Children: 6 living, Milton, Lue, Sallie, Alice, Elizabeth, William
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth: East Tenn.
Residence: Dr. Husey near Morsville
Occupation: Farmer
REMARKS: I have no brother nor sister.

Record for: Solomon Lynch
Date and No. of Application: December 16th, 1869
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Plantation: Mr. Watkins
Height Age and Complexion: 22, Black
Father (Dennis) or Mother (Maria) Married? Caroline
Name of Children: None
Regiment and Company: 42 R. Co. "A"
Place of Birth: North Carolina
Residence: Mr. Watkins
Occupation: Farmer
REMARKS: I have one that I know living Lewis, 3 sister Etter, Juliar, Jane.

Record for: William Boulen
Date and No. of Application: December 16th, 1869
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Plantation: Mrs. Barnette
Height Age and Complexion: 32, Brown
Father (William) or Mother (Lucy) Married? Caledonia
Name of Children: 4, Lemuel, Sipio, William, Sam
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth: Madison County, Ala.
Residence: Mrs. Barnett
Occupation: Farmer
REMARKS: I have two brothers Lemuel, Levie, 1 sister Dianner.

Record for: Dennis May
Date and No. of Application: December 16th, 1869
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Plantation: Isom Fenell
Height Age and Complexion: 22, Brown
Father (Manuel) or Mother (Lucy) Married? Fannie
Name of Children: 2, James Alex, Willy May
Regiment and Company: 15 R. Co. "A"
Place of Birth: East Tenn.
Residence: Isom Fenell
Occupation: Farmer
REMARKS: I have 4 brothers, Thomas, Wright, Jefferson, William, 2 sister Harrett & Paralee.

Record for: Fedrick James
Date and No. of Application: December 17, 1869
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Height Age and Complexion: About 52, Brown
Father (don't know) or Mother (Lucy) Married? Serrenia
Name of Children: 4, Lucy, Lidy, Judy, Prine Albert
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth: Virginia, don't know what part
Residence: Huntsville, Hotel
Occupation: Cook
REMARKS: I have 2 living brother Jessee & Mayyo, 2 living one I don't know the name, Maria.

Record for: Joseph Wiggins
Date and No. of Application : December 18th, 1869
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Plantation: Wiggins
Height Age and Complexion: 27, Black
Father (Peater) or Mother (Peny) Married? None
Name of Children: None
Regiment and Company: 17 R. Co. "G"
Place of Birth: Madison County, Dick Wiggins
Residence: Wiggins
Occupation: Farmer
REMARKS: I have two brothers Jessee, William, 2 sisters Cealy, Franky

Record for: Hamilton Davis
Date and No. of Application: December 22nd, 1869
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Height Age and Complexion: 32, Yellow
Father (James) or Mother (Jane) Married? Fannie
Name of Children: None
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth: Madison County, Ala.
Residence: Near Huntsville, Ala.
Occupation: Carpenter
REMARKS: I have 5 brothers living, William, Pascal, Washington, Phelix, James, 3 sisters Harrett, Paralee, & Lucy.

Record for: Leors Calhune
Date and No. of Application: December 21st, 1869
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Plantation: Calhune
Height Age and Complexion: 56 or 7, Yellow
Father (Caperal) or Mother (Peggy) Married? Tazell
Name of Children: 7 living, Ellen, Elisabeth, Manervia, Washington, Chatham, Lewis, Hanah.
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth: Eastern Shore of Maryland
Residence: Calhune
REMARKS: I had 4 brothers but left them in Maryland, 3 sister I left two of them in Maryland and the other I don't know whear she went. I have no kindred in this county.

Record for: Edward Easley
Date and No. of Application: December 21, 1869
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Height Age and Complexion: 52, Yellow
Father (Blake) or Mother (Sarah) Married? Maria
Name of Children: 3, Ned, Maria, Charlotte Ann
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth: Maryland
Residence: Huntsville
Occupation: Undertaker
REMARKS: I have no brothers living, 2 sisters living, Mary, Easter.

Record for: Robert Beaty
Date and No. of Application: December 30, 1869
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Plantation: Hatten Mills
Height Age and Complexion: 37, Brown
Father (Jack) or Mother (Patience) Married? Francis
Name of Children: 3, Isac, Nancy, Robert
Regiment and Company: 44 R. Co. "E"
Place of Birth: Weckly Co., West Tennessee
Residence: Hatton Mills
Occupation: Farmer
REMARKS: I have 2 brothers Gorge Loveless, Philip Loveless, 3 sister, Easter, Tabertha, Cariline.

Record for: James Scruggs
Date and No. of Application: December 21st, 1869
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Plantation: Luke Mathers
Height Age and Complexion: 53, Yellow
Father (Harris) or Mother (Tanie) Married? Esebela
Name of Children: 1 boy, Haywood, 1 girl Elisa Jane
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth: Morgan County, Ala.
Residence: Luke Mathers
Occupation: Farmer
REMARKS: I have one brother Annison, one living in Texas, one Arkansas, Mary & Cherry.

Record for: Pink Roberts
Date and No. of Application: December 30th, 1869
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Plantation: Steaverson, Ala.
Height Age and Complexion: 33, Light brown
Father (Simon) or Mother (Elizia) Married? Aggy
Name of Children: 2, Tomas, Damon
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth: Limestone Co., Ala.
Residence: Steverson, Ala.
Occupation: R. R. & Preacher
REMARKS: I have 3 brothers Burrell, Danel & Squire, 2 sisters Amey, Linda.

Record for: Jackson Watkins
Date and No. of Application: December 30th, 1869
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Height Age and Complexion: 43, Black
Father (Buck) or Mother (Lania) Married? Everlin
Name of Children: 1, John Westley
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth: About 9 miles from Huntsville
Residence: Huntsville
Occupation: Blacksmith
REMARKS: I have 4 brothers, Bob, Ned, Pitman, Moses, 3 sisters living, Katey, Manervia, Caledonia.

Record for: Chatham Dorsey
Date and No. of Application: January 3rd, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Plantation: Bill Douglas
Height Age and Complexion: 25, Brown
Father (don't know) or Mother (don't know) Married? Rachel
Name of Children: 1, Frank
Regiment and Company: 44 R. Co. "A"
Place of Birth: Florada
Residence: Bill Douglas 8 miles from town.
Occupation: Farmer
REMARKS: I have no brothers nor no sisters.

Record for: Robert Donegan
Date and No. of Application: December 31st, 1869
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Plantation: Wards
Height Age and Complexion: 20, Brown, light
Father (Buck) or Mother (Lucy) Married? None
Name of Children: None
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth: Madison County, Ala.
Residence: Wards
Occupation: Farmer
REMARKS: I have 3 brothers John Owens, Elick, Henry, 2 sisters, Alice, Chaney Ann.

Record for: Mrs. Lucy Gray & Samuel Arnett
Date and No. of Application: January 7th, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Plantation: Deposited B Enoch Cooper
Height Age and Complexion:
Father or Mother Married?
Name of Children:
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth:
REMARKS: Let Enoch Cooper have my money when he calls for it.

Record for: Maria Lacey
Date and No. of Application: January 7th, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Plantation: Widow Lacey
Height Age and Complexion: 30, Yellow
Father or Mother (don't know either) Married? John H. Lacey
Name of Children: 7, James Henry, Pinky, Marthy, Ellen, John, Charly, Fany, one dead.
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth: Near Huntsville in Madison Co.
Residence: Widow Lacey
Occupation: ?Tarest
REMARKS: I have no brother nor sister.

Record for: Rubin Ferrin
Date and No. of Application: January 10th, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Plantation: Robert Ferrin
Height Age and Complexion: 45 or 8, Black
Father (Jerry) or Mother (Winey) Married? Lucy
Name of Children: 3, James Thomas, John Danel, & Willis
Regiment and Company: 17 R. Co. "F"
Place of Birth: Louisa Co., Virginia
Residence: Robert Ferrin
Occupation: Farmer
REMARKS: I have no brother as I know, 3 sister, Lucy, Mima & Marthy.

Record for: Abram Levett
Date and No. of Application: January 11th, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Plantation: Alick Bently
Height Age and Complexion: 22, Yellow
Father (John) or Mother (Kisener) Married? Patcens
Name of Children: One, Mary
Regiment and Company: 44 R. Co. "E"
Place of Birth: State of Georgia, Pope County
Residence: Alick Bently
Occupation: Farmer
REMARKS: I have one brother Patrick, 4 sisters, Hanah, Hester, Betsy, Elisia all living in Georgia except my brother he is a regular in the 41st Bat. Rost, Louisiana.