National Archives Microfilm Publication M816
"Registers of Signatures of Depositors in Branches of the Freedmen's Saving and Trust Company 1865 - 1874"
Roll 1, Huntsville, Alabama accounts 1-1698, Nov. 28, 1865 - Aug. 21, 1874
Record for: James Scruggs
Date and No. of Application: March 2nd
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Height Age and Complexion: 22, Yellow
Father or Mother (Harrett) Married? None
Name of Children: None
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth: Madison County, Ala.
Residence: 4 miles from Huntsville
Occupation: Farmer
REMARKS: I have two brothers Gustus & Jordan, 3 sisters Emily, Ribean & Sarah.
Record for: Lucinda Nance
Date and No. of Application: March 2nd, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Height Age and Complexion: 9, Yellow
Father or Mother (Priss) Married? None
Name of Children: None
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth: Huntsville, Ala.
Residence: Huntsville, Ala.
Occupation: School girl
REMARKS: I have one sister dead, one brother dead.
Record for: Betsy Boon
Date and No. of Application: March 3rd, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Height Age and Complexion: 54, Brown
Father (Richard) or Mother (Maria) Married? None
Name of Children: 8, Isac, Maria, Malisa Caledine, Ruben, Eliza Caroline, John Turner, Harrett, William C. Jacob.
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth: Eastern Shore Maryland, Caroline County
Residence: Huntsville
Occupation: Midwife
REMARKS: I have 3 living brothers, Joe Boon, Allen Boon, William Boon, one sister Fancy.
Record for: Florid Sledge
Date and No. of Application: March 2nd, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Height Age and Complexion: 21, Black
Father (John) or Mother (Dinana) Married? None
Name of Children: None
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth: Madison Co., Ala.
Residence: Huntsville
Occupation: Porter
REMARKS: I have two brothers, Frank, Terry, one sister Priss.
Record for: Peater Moore
Date and No. of Application: March 3rd, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Height Age and Complexion: 20, Black
Father (Samul) or Mother (Eddy) Married? Not
Name of Children: None
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth: Madison, Ala., David Moore
Residence: Huntsville
Occupation: Waiter
REMARKS: I have one brother Wilson, I have no sister, my farther is dead and mother also.
Record for: Jacob McCarter
Date and No. of Application: March 3rd, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Height Age and Complexion: 32 or 33, Med. brown
Father or Mother Married?
Name of Children:
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth: Gooseland, Virginia
Residence: Huntsville Hotel
Occupation: Carver
REMARKS: Brothers Richard, Jordan, sisters has none. Farther expects is dead, mother is living in Va.
Record for: Augustus Perry
Date and No. of Application: March 3rd, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Height Age and Complexion: 35, Med. brown
Father (Lewis) or Mother (Celia) Married? To Lucy (dead)
Name of Children: Millie Ann, 17
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth: Augustus Co., Georgia
Residence: 8 miles from Huntsville near Winchester Road.
Occupation: Farmer
REMARKS: Farther is dead, died in Oct./66, mother is living with me. Brothers Berry, Augustus, Squire, Jesse, Jesse, Edmund. Sisters Harrett, Matilda, Mary, Amanda, Minerva.
Record for: Zeny Pruit
Date and No. of Application: March 3/70.
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Height Age and Complexion: 28, Light brown
Father (Ben Simmons) or Mother (Betsy Brown) Married?
Name of Children:
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth: Madison Co., Alabama
Residence: On Madison St., Huntsville
Occupation: Live with Capt. Fordzer.
REMARKS: Farther is living also mother, brothers Isaac, John, William, sisters Melissa, Caledonia, Harrett, Sima.
Record for: Reuben Farron
Date and No. of Application: March 3rd, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Height Age and Complexion: 21, Black
Father (Anderson) or Mother (Mary) Married?
Name of Children:
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth: Madison Co., Ala., raised in Marshall Co.
Residence: Huntsville, word for Ed Rugg.
Occupation: Laborer
REMARKS: Father living in Madison Co., mother living there, brothers Henry, Barney, Wesley, John, Dence, sisters Susan, Maria, Minerva, Amanda.
Record for: Charles Evans
Date and No. of Application: March 3rd, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Height Age and Complexion: 13, Black
Father (Sam) or Mother (Permala) Married?
Name of Children:
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth: Bed factory 12 miles from Huntsville.
Residence: Georgia
Occupation: Works
REMARKS: Father is dead, mother living, brothers James, Ferdrick, Olivio, sisters Mary, Williard.
Record for: Sally Meeks
Date and No. of Application: March 3rd, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Height Age and Complexion: 11, Dark brown
Father (Nathan) or Mother (Eveline) Married?
Name of Children:
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth: Huntsville, Ala.
Residence: Hord St. this city.
REMARKS: Father & mother living, brother none, sisters none.
Record for: Mrs. John B. Bibb
Date and No. of Application: March 4th, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Plantation: Porter Bibb
Height Age and Complexion: 35, Brown
Father (Mat) or Mother (Anes) Married? Susan
Name of Children: 2, Austin & Anes
Regiment and Company: 17 R. Co. "K"
Place of Birth: Madison Co., Ala.
Residence: Porter Bibb near Morsville.
Occupation: Farmer
REMARKS: I have no brother nor sister at all.
Record for: John Walter Poney
Date and No. of Application: March 4th, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Height Age and Complexion: 10, Light brown
Father (John) or Mother (Marthy) Married?
Name of Children:
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth: Madison County
Residence: Huntsville, Hines Street
Occupation: School boy
REMARKS: I have no brothers nor sister.
Record for: Matilda Alexander
Date and No. of Application: March 4th, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Height Age and Complexion: 35, Light brown
Father or Mother (Eliza) Married? To Rufus Alexander
Name of Children: Isabella, Henry & Walter
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth: Virginia
Residence: With Doct. Ross
Occupation: Housekeeper
REMARKS: Bros. John Ross, sisters Laura & Jenni Ross.
Record for: Martha A. Perry
Date and No. of Application:
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Height Age and Complexion:
Father or Mother Married?
Name of Children:
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth:
Record for: Jerry Mitchell
Date and No. of Application: March 4th, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Height Age and Complexion: 50, Black
Father (Collin) or Mother (Polly) Married? To Caroline (dead)
Name of Children: Eliza Ann in Memphis
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth: Greenville Co., North Carolina
Residence: on Jaman Farm
Occupation: Farmer
REMARKS: Father & mother both dead. Brothers Bennett, Zachariah, Jordan, Tom. Sisters Lilla, Charity (dead), Martha (dead).
Record for: Alfred Boardman
Date and No. of Application: March 4th, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Height Age and Complexion: 12, Light brown
Father (Les) or Mother (Mary) Married?
Name of Children:
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth: Marshall Co., Ala.
Residence: Lives with Aaron Boardman
Occupation: Goes to school
REMARKS: Father is dead, mother is living, bros. None, sisters none, record and deposit made by me (Aaron Boardman).
Record for: Aaron Boardman
Date and No. of Application: March 4th, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Height Age and Complexion: 37, Med. black
Father (Lee) or Mother (Eliza) Married? To Clarissa
Name of Children: Cheeseman, Dick, Alex and Betsey.
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth: Madison Co., Ala.
Residence: On Whitesburg road ¼ mile from Georgia church.
Occupation: Laborer
REMARKS: Father is dead mother lives with me. Brothers none, sisters none.
Record for: Dean Fletcher
Date and No. of Application: March 5th, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Height Age and Complexion: 25, Dark brown
Father (?Annstett) or Mother (Rachel) Married? To Martha
Name of Children: None
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth: Near Mobile.
Residence: Limestone Co., near Jones Lane, Ala.
Occupation: Farmer
REMARKS: Father is dead, mother is living, brothers Nelins, Paschal, John (dead), sisters Mary Jane, Henretta (dead).
Record for: Charles Donegan
Date and No. of Application: March 5th, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Height Age and Complexion: 35, Black
Father (George) or Mother (Fanny) Married? To Caroline
Name of Children: Washington & Charlie
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth: Huntsville, Ala.
Residence: Six miles from Huntsville on Athens Road.
Occupation: Farmer
REMARKS: Father is living with me, mother dead. Brothers York lives in Arkansas, sisters none.
Record for: William A. Shields
Date and No. of Application: March 5th, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Height Age and Complexion: 8, Brown
Father (Samuel) or Mother (Mary) Married?
Name of Children:
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth: Huntsville, Ala.
Residence: Here
REMARKS: Father & mother living, brothers James, Sterling, Miles, Thomas, sisters Matilda, Fanny, Rhoda & Charlotte.
Record for: James Shields
Date and No. of Application: March 5th, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Height Age and Complexion: 13, Dark brown
Father (Samuel) or Mother (Mary) Married?
Name of Children:
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth: Huntsville, Ala.
Residence: Near depot, this city.
Occupation: Drive cart.
REMARKS: Father & mother living, I live with them, brothers William Angelo, Sterling Peyton, Miles, sisters Matilda, Fanny, Rhoda, Charlotte.
Record for: Mary Jane Shields
Date and No. of Application: March 3rd, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Height Age and Complexion: 12, Dark brown
Father (Sterling) or Mother (Rose) Married?
Name of Children:
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth: Huntsville, Ala.
Residence: Near depot.
REMARKS: Father & mother living, I live with them, brothers none, sister Anna.
Record for: Mary Taylor
Date and No. of Application: March 5th, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Height Age and Complexion: 14, Med. brown
Father (Alex) or Mother (Rhoda) Married?
Name of Children:
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth: Huntsville, Ala.
Residence: Near depot, Huntsville, Ala.
REMARKS: Father dead, mother living, I live with her, brothers Anderson & Samuel, sister Martha.
Record for: Cornelius Gaston
Date and No. of Application: March 5th, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Height Age and Complexion: 8, Dark brown
Father (William) or Mother (Jane) Married?
Name of Children:
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth: At the cove near Huntsville.
Residence: in Huntsville.
REMARKS: Father & mother living, brothers none, sister Matilda, Anna, the other is a baby.
Record for: Anderson Taylor
Date and No. of Application: March 5th, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Height Age and Complexion: 16, Med. brown
Father (Alex) or Mother (Rhoda) Married?
Name of Children:
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth: Huntsville, Ala.
Residence: Near depot, Huntsville, Ala.
Occupation: Working on farm.
REMARKS: Father dead, mother living, live with her, brother Samuel, sister Mary & Martha.
Record for: Isabella Alexander
Date and No. of Application: March 5, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Height Age and Complexion: 15, Very light
Father (Rufus) or Mother (Matilda) Married?
Name of Children:
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth: Chattanooga, Tenn.
Residence: Huntsville, Ala.
Occupation: Live with Doct. Ross
REMARKS: Father is dead, mother is living here, Brother Henry & Walter, sisters none.
Record for: Samuel Taylor
Date and No. of Application: March 5/70.
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Height Age and Complexion: 12, Dark brown
Father (Alex) or Mother (Rhoda) Married?
Name of Children:
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth: Huntsville, Ala.
Residence: Near depot, Huntsville, Ala.
REMARKS: Father (dead), mother living I live with her, bros. Anderson, sister Martha & Mary.
Record for: Anna Lane Shields
Date and No. of Application: March 5th, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Height Age and Complexion: 2, Light brown
Father (Sterling) or Mother (Rose) Married?
Name of Children:
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth: Huntsville, Ala.
Residence: Near depot, Huntsville, Ala.
REMARKS: Father & mother both living, brothers none, sisters Mary Jane.
Record for: Martha Taylor
Date and No. of Application: March 5/70
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Height Age and Complexion: 6, Med. brown
Father (Alex) or Mother (Rhoda) Married?
Name of Children:
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth: Huntsville, Ala.
Residence: Near depot, Huntsville, Ala.
REMARKS: Father is dead, mother living I live with her, bros. Anderson & Samuel, sisters Mary.
Record for: Eller Cooper
Date and No. of Application: March 5th, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Height Age and Complexion: 13, Brown
Father (Enoch) or Mother (Lucy) Married?
Name of Children:
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth: Huntsville, Ala.
Residence: Huntsville, Franklin St.
Occupation: School girl
REMARKS: I have 2 brothers Thomas, Enoch, 2 sisters Mary Jane & Malinda.
Record for: Amanuel McColley
Date and No. of Application: March 5th, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Height Age and Complexion: 21, Light brown
Father (Washington) or Mother (Maria) Married? None
Name of Children: None
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth: Madison Co., Ala.
Residence: Huntsville, Ala.
Occupation: Labor
REMARKS: I have one brother Green, 4 sister Mary J., Malinda, Lucy A., Francis.
Record for: James Wilson
Date and No. of Application: March 7th, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Height Age and Complexion: 39, Brown
Father (Willis) or Mother (Florace) Married? Eddy Wilson
Name of Children: One, James Willy
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth: Madison County, Ala.
Residence: Huntsville, Ala.
Occupation: Waggoner
REMARKS: I have two brothers Edmund & Willis, 4 sisters Agnes, Carolin, Francis & Mary Eliza. Mary E. is living at Madison Station, Ala., Edmund & Willis is living with my other sister in Viania.
Record for: John Chapman
Date and No. of Application: March 5th, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Height Age and Complexion: 12, Med. brown
Father (Stafford) or Mother (Susan) Married?
Name of Children:
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth: Huntsville, Ala.
Residence: One mile from the city north.
Occupation: Works on farm.
REMARKS: Father & mother both dead, brothers Walter, Ellis & Frank, sisters none.
Record for: Mrs. William H. Logan
Date and No. of Application: March 7th, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Height Age and Complexion: 38, Brown
Father (don't know) or Mother (Nancy) Married? William Logan
Name of Children: None living, one son dead Henry White
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth: Baltimore near Burwick
Residence: Huntsville, Ala.
Occupation: Washing & Ironing
REMARKS: I have one sister Luvina, one brother Robert Hale. I left my mothers & sister in Baltimore, my brother left before I did.
Record for: Zebedee Gordon
Date and No. of Application: March 7th, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Height Age and Complexion: 40, Light brown
Father (Edward - dead) or Mother (Sarah - dead) Married? Amanda
Name of Children: Willis, 3
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth: Cherokee Purchase, Gordon Springs, Dogwood Valley, Georgia
Residence: Gallatin St., Huntsville, Ala.
Occupation: :Laborer
REMARKS: Father & mother both dead, brothers none, sisters Louisa & Mary Jane, both dead.
Record for: Calvin Scruggs
Date and No. of Application: March 7th, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Plantation: Watly Scruggs
Height Age and Complexion: 21, Brown
Father (Ruben) or Mother (Nancy) Married? None
Name of Children: None
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth: Madison County, Ala.
Residence: Home Street, Watly Scruggs
Occupation: Driver & Labor
REMARKS: I have one brother David, I have no sister.
Record for: Miss Emer Watkins
Date and No. of Application: March 7th, 1870
Name of Master:
Name of Mistress:
Height Age and Complexion: Light brown
Father (Frank) or Mother (Elvira) Married? Not
Name of Children: None
Regiment and Company:
Place of Birth: Huntsville, Ala.
Residence: Huntsville, Ala.
Occupation: Housework
REMARKS: I have one brother Frank, half Moses, 3 sisters Betty, Milly & Susan all living, my father in Jackson, Miss.