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The Freedmen's Bureau Online

Records of the Assistant Commissioner for the State of Louisiana
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands, 1865-1869.
National Archives Microfilm Publication M1027, Roll 33
"Reports Relating to the Condition of Freedmen."

Report of Indigent and Destitute Whites and Freed People in the Parish of Orleans L. B. State of Louisiana, applying for relief, from the 10th day of March 1868 to the 10th day of April 1868.




under 14

Causes of Destitution

Date when reported
to A. S. A. C.

which will contain the reason why the Parish Authorities fail to provide for their own destitute

Jane Bradford 50 Female - Sick, unable to work March 2, 1868 There is no
Rosa Davis 77 Female - Old & unable to work March 2, 1868 appropriation by the
Sophia Josfeos 63 Female - Old & unable to work March 2, 1868 city authorities for
Sarah Harrison 65 Female - Sick & unable to work March 2, 1868 these cases---they
Mary Selena 42 Female 3 Sick & unable to work March 3, 1868 are without means.
Ann Cooley 70 Female - Old & unable to work March 3, 1868
Mary Seally 45 Female 4 Sick & unable to work March 3, 1868
Johanna Johnson 40 Female 2 Sick & unable to work March 3, 1868
Bettey Adams 63 Female - Old & unable to work March 3, 1868
Emma Smith 69 Female - Old & unable to work March 4, 1868
Margareth Coleman 74 Female - Old & crippled March 4, 1868
Diana White 90 Female - Old & crippled March 4, 1868
Theresa Avaret 90 Female - Old & blind March 4, 1868
Margareth Morgan 78 Female - Old & crippled March 5, 1868
Mary Ann Smith 66 Female - Old & crippled March 5, 1868
Sarah Jordan 70 Female - Old & crippled March 5, 1868
Pass Bacon 90 Male - Old & crippled March 5, 1868
Emily Davis 75 Female - Old & crippled March 6, 1868
Clara Benton 68 Female - Crippled & unable to work March 6, 1868
Louisa Gross 57 Female - Crippled & unable to work March 7, 1868
Ellen Dennis 91 Female - Old & crippled March 7, 1868
Mary Jane 97 Female - Old & crippled March 7, 1868
Louis Burn 80 Male - Old & crippled March 9, 1868
Fanny Double 91 Female - Old & crippled March 9, 1868
Anna Jackson 70 Female - Old & crippled March 10, 1868
Major Pricier 90 Male - Old & crippled March 10, 1868