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The Freedmen's Bureau Online

Records of the Assistant Commissioner for the State of Louisiana
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands, 1865-1869.
National Archives Microfilm Publication M1027, Roll 33
"Reports Relating to the Condition of Freedmen"

Report of Indigent and Destitute Whites and Freed People in the Parish of Washington, State of Louisiana applying for relief from the 1st day of May 1868 to the 31st day of May 1868.

Freed People Name Age Sex Causes of Destitution Name of Police Jurors Certifying to Destitution Date when reported to A. S. A. C.
Mandy Smith 48 M Indigence, no means of support Reported in person April 28th, 1868
Mary Smith & 3 children 35 F Indigence



William Briggs 64 M Age and infirmities



Serena Briggs & 4 children 48 F Infirmities



Pleasant Long 47 M Infirmities



Eliza Long & 3 children 35 F Indigence, no means of support



George Williams 45 M Indigence, no means of support



Mary Williams & 2 children 34 F Indigence, no means of support



Franklin Kenyo 36 M Indigence, no means of support



Martha Kenyo & 2 children 34 F Indigence, no means of support



Harry Butler 40 M Indigence, no means of support



Diana Butler 39 F Indigence & infirmities



Green Hart 46 M Failure of crop by overflow


April 27th, 1868

Caroline Hart & 2 children 40 F Failure of crop by overflow



Mary Ann Johnson & 4 children 35 F Widow, no means of support



Rubber Warren 27 M Failure of crop by overflow



Emily Warren & 1 child 21 F Failure of crop by overflow



Mary Ann Ord & 3 children 27 F Failure of crop by overflow



Isaac Daniel 54 M Failure of crop by overflow



Jane Daniel & 6 children 26 F Failure of crop by overflow



Solomon Hart 70 M Failure of crop by overflow



Morning Hart & 4 orphan children 62 F Failure of crop by overflow



Eli Clark & 6 children 52 M Failure of crop by overflow



Edmond Hart 28 M Failure of crop by overflow



Caroline Hart & 3 children 27 F Failure of crop by overflow



REMARKS (which will contain the reason why the Parish Authorities fail to provide for their own destitute): The Parish is unable to support indigent and destitute people by reason of the poor condition of its finances which has been caused by the mismanagement of former tax collectors. Parish Bonds are worth about twenty cents on the dollar and no money in the Treasury to redeem them. The within named parties have reported in person by reason of the negligence of the members of the Police Jury.

Madisonville, La.
April 30th, 1868
Capt. W. N. R. Hangen
Asst. Sub. Comr. B. R. F. & A. L.
Parishes Washington & St. Tammany, La.