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The Freedmen's Bureau Online

Records of the Assistant Commissioner for the State of Louisiana
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands, 1865 - 1869.
National Archives Microfilm Publication M1027 Roll 34
"Rosters of Officers and Civilians on Duty in the Staff Offices of Louisiana, Aug. - Dec. 1865; Jan. - Sept. 1867; Jan., Aug., and Dec. 1868"

Roster of Civilians Employed as Assistants, Agents, Inspectors & c. by Thomas W. Conway Assistant Commissioner &c., Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and A. Lands, State of Louisiana----
September 1865

Name Duties performed Rate of compensation
per month
J. B. Bromley Asst. Supt. in charge Sparks Home Colony $150.00
C. R. Stickney Asst. supt. & Genl. Inspector Plantation Dept. 150.00
R. K. Plossy Inspector Plantation Dept. 125.00
William George Inspector Plantation Dept. 125.00
M. Hawke Inspector Plantation Dept. 100.00
James L. Smith Inspector Plantation Dept. 100.00
J. H. Baxter Inspector Plantation Dept. 100.00
S. B. Owen Inspector Plantation Dept. 100.00
James F. Jenner Inspector Plantation Dept. 100.00
James L. Patton Supt. Land Department Surveyor &c. 150.00
E. Eayres Examr. Of claims 150.00
Thomas Parker Employed in collection of special taxes, Canvasser 1st District 75.00
E. Borgault " " , Canvasser 2nd District 85.00
F. W. Albertson " ", Canvasser 3rd District 85.00
Thomas Asbury " ", Canvasser 4th District 85.00
Louis Cartois Canvasser, Distribution of Special Notices 75.00
Louis Grueste Canvasser, Distribution of Special Notices, 3rd District 85.00
W. N. Groscut Canvasser, Distribution of Special Notices 85.00
Board of Education
Charles Meyers School Director Parish of Terrebonne 100.00
M. L. Kingon School Director Parish of Assumption 100.00
J. S. Williams School Director Parish of St. John & St. James 100.00
A. E. Brown School Director Parish of St. Marys 100.00
L. S. Thorpe School Director Parish of St. Martins 100.00
A. C. Babcock School Director Parish of St. Landry 100.00
Chas. L. Taylor School Director Parishes of East & West Feliciana 100.00
Byron Pease School Director Parish of St. Charles 100.00
Charles W. Griffith School Director Parish of St. Bernard 75.00
James F. Kent School Director E. Baton Rouge & Livingston 100.00
Lewis Hamrick School Director W. Baton Rouge & Pt. Coupie 100.00
Matthew Whilldin Inspector Schools in New Orleans 100.00
Nathan Willey Secy. Board of Education 100.00
Aaron Walker Spec. Agent Schools in Red River County 90.00
F. A. Currin School Director Parishes Ascension & Iberville 90.00
David Pollock School Director Parish Jefferson 75.00