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The Freedmen's Bureau Online

Records of the Assistant Commissioner for the State of North Carolina, Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands, 1865 - 1870. Microfilm publication M843, Roll 33, "Reports of Arrests, Aug. 1866 - Dec. 1868."

Report of Arrests made in the Southern District, Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands, State of North Carolina, for the fifteen days ending 13th August, 1866.

Date Name of Party Arrested Residence Where Confined Name of Complainant Nature of Complaint Remarks
30th July, 1866 Albert Johnson (F. M.) Wilmington Guard house Violation of contract 7 days confined
30th July, 1866 Geo. Hall (F. M.) Wilmington Guard house Violation of contract 7 days confined
3rd Aug., 1866 Julia A. Henderson Wilmington Refusing to obey orders Dismissed

Report of Arrests made in the Southern District, Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands, State of North Carolina, for the fifteen days ending 28 August, 1866.

Date Name of Party Arrested Residence Where Confined Name of Complainant Nature of Complaint Remarks
Aug. 14th Jim Shipman (col'd) Bladensboro, NC Frank M. Wooten Enticing an apprentice to run away Case dismissed for want of evidence

Report of Arrests made in the State of North Carolina, Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands for the fifteen days ending August 30, 1866.

Date Name of Party Arrested Residence Where Confined Name of Complainant Nature of Complaint Remarks
Aug. 4 George Fisher Roanoke Guard House Wiley Taylor Assault & Battery
Aug. 4 Fields Rollins Hyde Co. Mrs. S. Freeman Burglary
Aug. 4 Saml. Adams Hyde Co. Mrs. S. Freeman Burglary
Aug. 14 Jim Shipman (col'd) Bladensboro Franklin Wooten Enticing away an apprentice Case dismissed, no evidence

Report of Arrests made in the State of North Carolina, Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands for the fifteen days ending April 15th, 1867

Date Name of Party Arrested Residence Where Confined Name of Complainant Nature of Complaint Remarks
April 1, '67 Robert Miles (col'd) Kinston Kinston Jail Allan Stealing cotton with two whites One of the whites in jail, the other turned states evidence.
April 5, '67 Joshua Blum (col'd) Pitt County Kinston Jail Purnell Patrick Stealing a mule Was caught with the mule in his possession and made a confession of his guilt

Report of Arrests in the Sub District of Swain County, Kinston, Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands, State of North Carolina for the 30 days ending June 28th, 1867.

Date Name of Party Arrested Residence Where Confined Name of Complainant Nature of Complaint Remarks
June 19, 1867 Benj. Alberton (white) Green Co., NC Arrested and bt. to office Fortune Harper Alleged that Freedman had sold a horse the property of Harper to Alberton and would pay him nothing nor let him have the horse Not a word of truth in the complaint and the parties were discharged.

Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands, Report of Arrests made in the State of North Carolina during the fifteen days ending July 31st, 1867.

Date Name of Party Arrested Residence Where Confined Name of Complainant Nature of Complaint Remarks
July 17 Wm. Phipps Guilford Co. Guilford Co. Webster Wade Threatening to shoot Bound over to the court.
July 18 Hugh Wiley Gulford Co. Guilford Co. Elizabeth Tyree Assault and threatened to kill Bound over to the court
July 20 Egbert P. Kitrell Granville Co. Released on bond Abby Johnson Beating with a board Bound over to the court

Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands, Report of Arrests made in the State of North Carolina during the fifteen days ending August 31, 1867.

Date Name of Party Arrested Residence Where Confined Name of Complainant Nature of Complaint Remarks
Aug. 18 Lucy Counsil (col'd) Orange Co. Hillsboro Jail Andrew B. Conch Larceny Convicted by County Court
Aug. 20 Wilson Watkins Person Co. Roxboro Jail Community Stealing of money under false pretenses Released after investigation
Aug. 26 Phebe Latta Orange Co. Hillsboro Co. H. W. Brown Larceny Convicted by Civil Court

Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands, Report of Arrests made in the 4th Sub District, State of North Carolina for the fifteen days ending September 13, 1867.

Date Name of Party Arrested Residence Where Confined Name of Complainant Nature of Complaint Remarks
September 2, 1867 Jacob Schinz Wilmington Noah Brown Refusing to pay for labor in chopping wood Released on payment of the money
September 10, 1867 James Day Wilmington A. E. Harris Enticing away an apprentice Released on returning the child

Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands, Report of Arrests made in the State of North Carolina for the fifteen days ending September 15th, 1867

Date Name of Party Arrested Residence Where Confined Name of Complainant Nature of Complaint Remarks
Aug. 28 Ashley Parsons (W) Orange Co. County Jail State Assault & Battery Sentenced to jail for 10 days
Aug. 30 Willis T. Wills (W) Orange Co. State Perjury
Aug. 20 Elisha L. Wills (W) Orange Co. State Perjury
Sept. 9 Jas. Ray (B) Orange Co. County Jail Sarah Ray (B) Adultery
Sept. 10 Benjamin Bowles (B) Orange Co. County Jail State Assault & Battery Sentenced to jail for 10 days
Sept. 12 Jacob Schwinz Wilmington Noah Brown Refusing to pay for labor Released on payment of money
Sept. 10 James Day Wilmington A. E. Harris Enticing away an apprentice Returned the child - released

Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands, Report of Arrests made in the State of North Carolina for the fifteen days ending September 30th, 1867.

Date Name of Party Arrested Residence Where Confined Name of Complainant Nature of Complaint Remarks
Sept. 15 Green Durham (col'd) Orange Co. County Jail State Larceny Convicted - imprisoned for 18 months
Sept. 15 Charles Whitchard (col'd) Orange Co. County Jail State Larceny Convicted - imprisoned for 18 months
Sept. 18 Isham Morrow (col'd) Orange Co. County Jail State Larceny Awaiting trial
Sept. 18 Thomas Thompson Orange Co. County Jail State Larceny Awaiting trial

Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands, Report of Arrests made in the State of North Carolina for the fifteen days ending October 13th, 1867.

Date Name of Party Arrested Residence Where Confined Name of Complainant Nature of Complaint Remarks
October 7 Daniel Fuller Franklin Co. Lewisburg Jail Ruffin Branch Stabbing Tried - convicted

Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands, Report of Arrests made in the State of North Carolina for the fifteen days ending November 30th, 1867.

Date Name of Party Arrested Residence Where Confined Name of Complainant Nature of Complaint Remarks
Nov. 13, '67 Wesley Markland Grandison Co. Victoria Williams Attempted rape Arrested and released by civil authorities - ordered to be re-arrested by Capt. N. Hillebrandt - order in hands of Deputy Sheriff

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