Records of the Assistant Commissioner for the State of South Carolina Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, 1865 - 1870
National Archives Publication M869 Roll 44
"Transportation Requests Received Apr. 20 - Dec. 21, 1866"
United States Sanitary Commission
I do hereby certify that I have been in attendance upon James Henry (PC) who is suffering from epilepsy. He is ?poor and needy and I recommend him to the (illegible).
J. S. Basset, MD
Health Officer, 4th Health Dist.
Charleston, April 20th, 1866
Headquarters Assistant Commissioner
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands, South Carolina
No. 110
Charleston, SC May 18, 1866
Permission is hereby granted to Butler Seabrook to go on a Govt. Steamer from Charleston to Hilton Head.
By order of Bvt. Maj. Gen. R. K. Scott
J. William Saxton, Bvt. Maj. and A. D. C.
City Hospital
Charleston, June 22nd, 1866
Butler Seabrook has been discharged from Hospital, and has a permit to go to his home at Hilton Head, he requires someone to assist him on account of his feet being amputated.
I would respectfully request that a permit be granted to Clark Grant to go with Seabrook to assist him home and to return on a Government Steamer.
F. Peyre Porcher, MD
Surg. In Charge
Headquarters Assistant Commissioner
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands, South Carolina
No. 690
Charleston, SC June 12, 1866
Permission is hereby granted to Jane Anderson from Charleston to Hilton Head, sister very sick, in destitute condition.
By order of Bvt. Maj. Gen. R. K. Scott
A. M. L. Crawford, Lt. and Acting Sub-Asst. Com.
Hospital R & F, Augusta, Ga.
June 12th, 1866
I have the honor to make application for public transportation from Augusta Hamburg, S. C. to Lyles Station, S. C. on R. R. North from Columbia, S. C. for Jane Fowler, aged 36 years. This woman is afflicted with diabetes and in consequence has dropsy; she will not live more than a few months, her children live at Lyles station and as she is very desirous to go to them and they are able and desirous to provide for her it seems both humane and expedient to send her at public charge.
Very Respectfully,
Your Obedient Servant
J. V. DeHavre
Asst. Surgeon U. S. Vols.
in charge
Headquarters Assistant Commissioner
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands, South Carolina
No. 692
Charleston, SC June 20, 1866
Permission is hereby granted to Millie and Eddie from Charleston to Hilton Head (home) to relieve Gov't. of their support.
By order of Maj. General R. K. Scott
A. M. L. Crawford
Office A. A. Commissioner
Bureau R. F. & A. L.
Hamburg, S. C. June 23, 1866
Bt. Lt. Col. H. W. Smith
A. A. Genl.
I have the honor to request that transportation be forwarded to this office for Jas. Parr from Hamburg, S. C. to Wensor, S. C. This man has lost both legs and is perfectly destitute.
I am Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
John ?Duncan
Bvt. Lt. Col. and A. A. Commissioner
Office A. A. Commissioner
Bureau R. F. & A. L.
Hamburg, SC June 23, 1866
Bt. Lt. Col. H. W. Smith
A. A. G.
I have the honor to request that transportation be furnished this office for Louisa Ash (freedwoman) from Hamburg, S. C. to Charleston, S. C., she being destitute and wishing to get to her friends, thus relieving the government from the expense of supporting her.
I am Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
G. P. McDougal
Lieut. & ASA Commissioner
Edgefield District, SC
Headquarters, Acting Assistant Commissioner
Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands
District of Columbia
Columbia S. C. July 26th, 1866
Lieut. Col. H. W. Smith
Asst. Adjt. Genl.
I have the honor to request that transportatoin be furnished from this city for one small girl (colored) to Orange Court House, Virginia. She is in this city in destitute circumstances and no friends to assist her in getting to her parents. I think this an urgent case.
I am Col., very respectfully
Wm. J. Harkisheimer
Bvt. Major & A. A. Commr.
Office Acting Sub-Asst. Commr.
Bur. Refugees, Freedmen & Abandoned Lands
Anderson Dist., S. C., Anderson C. H. Aug 7/66
Bvt. Lt. Col. H. W. Smith
Asst. Adjt. Genl.
Charleston, S. C.
I have the honor to request that transportation may be furnished for the destitute freedmen Dan from this place to Newberry, S. C. He was bought here by his owners some two years ago to prevent his falling into the hands of our forces and has been left here by them. He is almost blind and can do no work. His connections live at Newberry and have sent for him to go to them, they promising to provide for him. There will in all probability be a scarcity of provisions here next year and unless this man can be sent to his family he must become a charge to this Bureau.
I am, Colonel
very respectfully
your Obedt. Servant
William Stone
Bvt. Maj. Vols.
A. S. A. C.
Office Acting Sub-Asst. Commr.
Bur. Refugees, Freedmen & Abandoned Lands
Anderson Dist., S. C., Anderson C. H., Aug. 10, 1866
Bvt. Lt. Col. H. W. Smith
Asst. Adjt. Genl.
Charleston, S. C.
I have the honor to request that transportation be furnished form this place to Newberry, S. C. for Sally, Amy, and their children, destitute freed persons. Amy's husband and one or two of her children died a short time since after a long illness and she and her children as well as Sally, her mother, are now extremely destitute.
The freed people here have rented a room for her temporarily and assist her somewhat. Her relatives live at Newberry and have sent for all of her family, promising to support it if it goes there.
I see no way by which she can earn a support here by her own labor and to prevent her becoming dependent upon this Bureau for support this application is made.
I am Colonel,
very respectfully
Your Obdt. Servant
William Stone
Bvt. Maj. Vols.
A. S. A. C.
Adjutant General's Office
Washington, August 9th, 1866
F. H. Johnson, Esq.
Agent & Warden State Penitentiary
Sing Sing, NY
under the provisions of Gen. Order No. 46 C. L. from this office the following named persons will be discharged: citizens will be furnished transportation to their homes - Aaron Campbell, Saml. Lynch.
(signed) D. W. Townsend
A. A. G.
Assistant Quartermaster's Office
No. 198 State Street
Railroad Transportation
New York, Aug. 14, 1866
To the U. S. Quartermaster
Savannah, Ga.
you will please furnish transportation from Savannah, Ga. to Charleston S. C. for A. Campbell & Saml. Lynch, "released" Prisoners.
Whose order: Gen. Townsend, A. A. G., Aug. 9, 1866
What service: returning to their homes - sent via Savannah as the Steamers running direct to Charleston refuse to take 2nd class passengers.
John R. Jennings
Bvt. Major and Assistant Quartermaster
Headquarters, Acting Assistant Commissioner
Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands
District of Columbia
Columbia, S. C. Aug. 15, 1866
Lieut. Col. H. W. Smith
Asst. Adjt. Genl.
I have the honor to request transportation from this city to Richmond, Va. for freedboy Samuel Smith. This boy has been transported thus far from Augusta, Ga., he desires to be sent to this parents. This will relieve the government from his support.
I am, Col., very respectfully,
Your Obdt. Servant
Ben. R. Russell
Bvt. Brig. Genl. & A. A. Commr.
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands
Office Assistant Commissioner, State of Georgia
August, Ga. - August 17th, 1866
this will be handed to you by a Freedman who is one of a party of 5 who have been furnished with transportation from Atlanta to Augusta as you will see endorsed upon the enclosed. They are desirous of reaching their sons & daughters living near Newbern, N. C. where they can be properly provided for, and to that end is necessary that the Asst. Comr. of South Carolina furnish them with transportation to such point en-route to Newbern as he may have the power to grant and if he may deem it practicable so to do.
Your Obdt. Servant
T. F. ?Forbes
Lieut. & A. A. G.
Headquarters, Acting Assistant Commissioner
Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands
District of Columbia
Columbia, S. C. September 1st, 1866
Lieut. Col. H. W. Smith
Asst. Adjt. Genl.
I have the honor to request transportation from this city to Richmond, Va. for Elisha Crosby (white). This is a very deserving case, being an old man, and a soldier of the war of 1812, and will relieve the government of his support.
Very Respectfully,
Your Obt. Servant
(name illegible)
Col. 6th Infty. USA and
Act. Asst. Commissioner
Office Acting Sub. Asst. Commr.
Bur. Refugees, Freedmen & Abandoned Lands
Anderson Dist., S. C., Anderson C. H. Sept. 6, 1866
Bvt. Lt. Col. H. W. Smith
Asst. Adjt. Genl.
Charleston, S. C.
I have the honor to request that transportation be furnished for the destitute freedwomen Louisa and Rachael Holton from this place to Charleston, S. C., their former home, to prevent them from becoming dependent on the Government for support.
Louisa is old woman and has consumption and Rachael is suffering from hip complaint. Both were brought here by their owners who were refugees from
Charleston and who are now unable to furnish means to enable them to return to their friends.
I am assured that if they reach Charleston they will not need to look to the Authorities for aid which will not be the
case if they remain here this coming Winter.
I am Colonel,
Very Respectfully,
Your Obedt. Servant,
William Stone
Bvt. Maj. Vols.
A. S. A. G.
Major Stone,
Extreme want forced me to make application to you to know if I can obtain transportation to Charleston. I am a refugee from that city & a widow dependent on my own exertions for the support of my family & having been deprived of all my property. Nothing can be done here & I have not the means of paying my expenses to the City where I can obtain employment. We have been supported for a time by exchanging silver for corn, but that is now exhausted. If you have it in your power you will relieve one in much need.
Yours respectfully
Sarah Lee
Hd. Qrs
U. S. Forces, Charleston Harbor
Castle Pinckny, Charleston Harbor, SC
Bvt. Lieut Col. ?Lowe
Asst. Qr. M. Charleston, S. C.
Sir, I have the honor to request you to furnish transportation to the bearer, her home is a number of miles in the interior of this state and she is destitute of funds to pay her own travelling expenses. She appears to be, and as far as I can learn, a very worthy woman, came on here to see her husband who has been in military confinement for a number of months without any trial or a prospect of one, he appears to be quite an intelligent and thrifty old man, has a large family of children suffering on account of his absence and his wife is endeavoring to secure his release and I am disposed to do all I can for them as they both appear very worthy people. The old man is charged I believe with aiding in horse stealing. I can learn nothing further of the particulars of his case.
Trusting that it may be within your power to render her all the aid desired. I will subscribe myself.
Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
A. C. Rumbaugh
Capt. 37th Rgt. USCI
Kate Mitchell & 2 child. over 6
Louise West
George Mitchell & wife, 2 children over 6
Robin Green & three children over 6
?Ryner Green
Affie Small & Bettey Small child over 6
Jack Holmes & Charles Jones
Nat Alston & wife, 1 child over 6
Mary Robinson & 1 child
Charlotte Marden
?Triam Alston & wife
Linda Thomas
Robin Robinson & wife
Mr. Rutherford give transportation to these people from Georgetown to Charleston, S. C.
Dec. 16, 1866
Dec. the 11/66
Gen. R. K. Scott
Dear Sir,
you will oblige if you will let the following men have transportation for thear families from Georgetown to this place. Following are the names of the men that have purchased (illegible) of me.
Jim Mitchell
Aron West
Bob Mitchell
Charles Black
Hector Green
William Small
Tony Alston
Toby Robertson
Sam Guaire
Your Obedient Servant
David R. Rea
Sue ?Higgens & Infant
Celia White & 2 babies under 4
Rose White & son James aged 21
Mamie Vanderhorst & two boys 5 & 12
Mr. Rutherford give transportation from Georgetown, S. C. to this city.
Dec. 22/66
Woodmill Dec. the 21/66
Gen. R. K. Scott
My Dear Sir, I am (remaining text illegible)
Prince Wright & Henry
Sumter Dec. 21st, 1866
Gen. Scott Assistant Commissioner Bureau R. F. and A. L.
We, the undersigned Freedmen & Refugees from Edisto Island respectfully request that transportation may be given us from Sumter to Edisto Island.
We beg leave to state that we are Refugees from Edisto since 1862, that we cannot obtain such employment here as will support us and that we are without the means to return to our former homes. Some of us are old and cannot work. If we are allowed transportation to our former homes, we can support ourselves and our families; here we must suffer and starve.
Very respectfully your obedient servants.
Aaron Simons, aged 35
Phoebe Simons, aged 30
Elijah Simons, aged 8
John Simons, aged 6
Wm. Gadsden, aged 50
Mary Gadsden, aged 45
John Capers, aged 50
Bella Capers, aged 30
Aleck Capers, aged 8
Mary Capers, aged 6
Toby Gadsden, aged 35
Louissianna Gadsden, aged 30
Evans Gadsden, aged 10
Rebecca Gadsden, aged 7
Minty Fludd, aged 25
Tom Jones, aged 50
Mary Jones, aged 18
Peter Jones, aged 10
Tom Jones, aged 8
Caty Bogle, aged 75, blind
Mary Bogle, aged 10
Wm. Fludd, aged 40
Rose Fludd, aged 35
Moses Fludd, aged 8
Mary Fludd, aged 6
Martha Fraser, aged 55
Sam Fraser, aged 28
Chloe Fraser, aged 30
Wilt Bias, aged 20
Frank Hodge, aged 20
Clap Bailey, aged 45
Pheobe Bailey, aged 40
Mary Bailey, aged 15
Peter Bailey, aged 13
John Bailey, aged 10
James Millet, aged 55
Jim Seabrook, aged 55
Jinny Seabrook, aged 55
Peter Seabrook, aged 23
Mary Seabrook, aged 20
Naomi Seabrook, aged 18
Adults 30 Children 12
I do hereby certify that the above facts, as stated in this application are true.
T. P. Mikell