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The Freedmen's Bureau Online

Records of the Assistant Commissioner for the State of Tennessee
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, 1865-1869.
National Archives Microfilm Publication M999 Roll 34
"Affidavits Relating to Outrages Mar. 1866-August 1868"

Personally appeared before me this 20th day of November 1866 Jane Bugg who having been duly sworn deposes as follows.

My name is Jane Bugg. I live in Gallatin, Tenn.

Last November three white men came to my house and coming to the foot of the bed asked for a candle and having got it lit it. They drew their revolvers and drove myself and my husband Stephen Bugg out of the room. They took what candles, whiskey &c they wanted then took us back again into the room and searched us for our money. They got from my husband his watch and about $10.00, they said that unless they got two hundred dollars from him they would kill him. He, Bugg, said he had not, nor could he get $200.00. They then beat us both with their pistols over the head and drove us out of doors. They then after I going out of the house, beat me over the head with a billet of wood.

My husband Stephen Bugg, then ran away when they shot him. After they had put six bullets in him they waited until they saw him dead when they rode off.

Before my husband opened the door he asked who these men were when they answered and said it was Mr. Paine and Mr. Barber.

(sigd) Jane (X) Bugg

Sworn and subscribed before me this 21st day of November 1866.

(sigd) O. M. Hamilton

(sigd) Michl. Walsh
Capt. V. R. C. &
Chief Superintendent

S. W. Groesbeck
Lieut. & A. A. A. Genl.