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The Freedmen's Bureau Online

Records of the Assistant Commissioner for the State of Tennessee
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, 1865-1869.
National Archives Microfilm Publication M999 Roll 34
"Affidavits Relating to Outrages Mar. 1866-August 1868"

Personally appeared before me Jim Duval and having been duly sworn deposes as follows.

My name is Jim Duval. I live on Doctor Duval's plantation about four miles from Mitchellville, Tenn., Sumner Co.

Two men came into my house about the last week in June 1866. They asked if Jim Warren was in my house. I told him not---that he had gone down to Mr. Good's in Sumners Branch about 4 miles from Mitchellville, Tenn., but that he had likely left there and was at Mr. Mooney's about 3 miles from Mitchellville Tenn. on the Gallatin road. They told me to leave the house and get my mule. I did do so, and tried to keep from going and said I was not well. They told me I must carry them straight to Jim Warren, for if I did not do so they would shoot me first. They kept their pistols on their hands all the way. They stopped on the road and took John Duval (col'd) otherwise Gillen with them, they told him (John) to call into the house and ask if Jim Warren was in the house. One of the men went into the house when it was opened and told Jim Warren to make a light which he did and to give him his pistol and said that he considered him to be his prisoner. He then told him to move straight off with John Duval and they kept behind him. When John Duval came opposite his own house they told him to go over home. They then made Jim Warren get up behind one of them when they rode off until they came to a field of Mr. Ellis about a mile and a half from there. They told Jim then to get down, one of them said to his comrade are you not going to help me to shoot and he replied not. He told Jim to move out a bit when he shot him. Jim then attempted to run away but being wounded could not, he then followed him into the woods and made me and his companion go look for him when having found him he shot him seven or eight times. I saw him shoot him that number of times. They let him lie in the woods, they then came back into my house and stayed some time. Both then left and when leaving told me not to leave or have report made.

(Signed) Jim (X) Duvall

Sworn and subscribed before me this 23rd day of November 1866.

(Signed): Michl. Walsh
Captain V. R. C.
Chief Superintendent
Nashville Sub-District

Signed Edwd. H. Lieb
Capt. 5 Cav.
B. V. T. Lt. Col. USA

S. W. Groesbeck
Lieut. & A. A. A. Genl.