Records of the Assistant Commissioner for the State of Tennessee Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, 1865-1869.
National Archives Microfilm Publication M999 Roll 34
"Affidavits Relating to Outrages Mar. 1866-August 1868"
Macon Co., Tenn.
Near Lafayette, Tenn.
January 29th, 1867
Jane White (col'd) being duly sworn according to law says she is the wife of William White (col'd) and has six children of which William White is the father. William White my husband left me about the 18th day of November 1866 for some cause I know not what for, he would not speak to me or my children for about 5 weeks before he left my cabin. I supported him for several months and he would not work for anyone. He came to me sometimes angry and cruelly beat me and my children in a very unhusbandlike manner. I never heard Mr. John White say he was mad at my husband, only once and then he said to my husband you must try and pay for your daughter's doctor bills which child has fits - and my husband started off for Lafayette and did not return until the morning of the 17 of November 1866 which was three days -
I do not wish my children to go away from here and I do not want to go myself but am willing to let my husband assist me in supporting them but I will not live with him as his wife.
Jane (X) White
Sworn and subscribed the 29th day of Jany.
George ?Rushie, Corp.
5 US Cavl.