Records Relating to Outrages
- Special Report on the late riot at Franklin, Tennessee, July 6, 1867
- Report of Outrages in Sub-District of Chattanooga from July 1st/67 to July 1st/68
- List of Murders in Counties of Maury and Marshall, Tenn. from July 1st, 1867 to July 1st, 1868
- Report of Outrages Committed by Whites on Freedmen in the Memphis Sub District, Bureau R. F. A. L. For the month of May 1867
- Affidavits related to the 1866 Memphis, Tennessee Riot
- Affidavits Related to Outrages in Tennessee
- Freedmen's Bureau Report of the 1866 Memphis, Tennessee Riot
- Freedmen's Bureau Report of the 1868 Pulaski, Tennessee Riot
- Freedmen's Bureau Report of Conditions in Trenton, Tennessee
- Freedmen's Bureau Report of Conditions in LaGrange, Tennessee
- Freedmen's Bureau Report of Conditions in Centreville, Tennessee
- Freedmen's Bureau Report of Outrages from the Chattanooga Sub-District
- Freedmen's Bureau Report of Outrages in Murfreesboro, Tennessee
- Freedmen's Bureau - Tennessee Register of Outrages Oct. 1865 - July 1868
- List of Outrages Perpetrated by the Whites Upon The Freedmen in the State of Tennessee from April 1865 to March 1866
Records Relating to Freedmen's Labor
- Index to Freedmen's labor contracts between Tennessee Freedmen and employers in various states
- Index to Freedmen's labor contracts between Tennessee Freedmen and employers in Crittenden County, Arkansas
- Index to Freedmen's labor contracts between Tennessee Freedmen and employers in Alabama
- Index to Freedmen's labor contracts between Tennessee Freedmen and employers in Louisiana
- Index to Freedmen's labor contracts between Tennessee Freedmen and employers in Arkansas
- Index to Freedmen's labor contracts between Tennessee Freedmen and employers in Kentucky
- Index to Freedmen's labor contracts in Fayette County, Tennessee
- Index to Freedmen's Labor Contracts, Memphis & Charleston Railroad
- Index to contracts between Tennessee freedmen and employers in Mississippi County, Arkansas
- Index to contracts between Tennessee freedmen and employers in Arkansas County, Arkansas
- Miscellaneous Freedmen's Labor Contracts - Tennessee
- Miscellaneous Freedmen Work Contracts - Tennessee
- Freedmen's Bureau Indenture of Apprenticeships - Hardeman County, Tennessee
- Freedmen's Bureau Indentures for Rutherford County, Tennessee
- Freedmen's Bureau Apprenticeships in Shelby County, Tennessee
- Freedmen's Bureau Indenture Agreements for Smith County, Tennessee (two agreements, Shoemake/Conditt, Saddler/Beasley)
- Freedmen’s Bureau Indenture of Apprenticeship Bonds - Dickson County, Tennessee
- Freedmen’s Bureau Indenture of Apprenticeship Bonds - Dyer County, Tennessee
- Freedmen's Bureau Indenture of Apprenticeship Bonds for Madison County, Tennessee
- Bolivar, Tennessee Indenture Bond, Balaam Fentress, Frances Fentress and Levi Chesheir
- Freedmen's Bureau Indenture Bonds - Anson County, North Carolina (Contracts to work in Tennessee)
Miscellaneous Reports