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Freedmen's Bureau Records - Recommendation of Mr. Echols

Records of the Assistant Commissioner for the State of Texas
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands, 1865 - 1869
National Archives Microfilm Publication M821 Roll 32
"Miscellaneous Records Relating to Murders and Other Criminal Offenses Committed in Texas 1865 - 1868"

Recommendation of Mr. Echols

We the undersigned citizens and neighbors of John Echols respectfully represent to the Freedman's Bureau that we take pleasure in testifying that we have so far as come to our knowledge always found him a good neighbor and a kind and human master. If he had a fault in the management of his negroes it was an over indulgent leniency both during the existence of the institute of slavery and afterward.

Burleson Co., Dec. 17th 1865

John Goodwin
Thos. L. Goodwin
W. A. Green
T. W. Dudley
John B. Mullens
Henry Gregg
W. H. Jenkins
J. T. Grant
D. R. Meyers
A. Frautwein