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Freedmen's Bureau Records - Miscellaneous Records Relating to Murders and Other Criminal Offenses Committed in Texas

Records of the Assistant Commissioner for the State of Texas
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands, 1865 - 1869
National Archives Microfilm Publication M821 Roll 32
"Miscellaneous Records Relating to Murders and Other Criminal Offenses Committed in Texas 1865 - 1868"

Austin, Texas
June 15th 1868

His Excellency
Govr. E. M. Pease

Dr. Sir:

Allow me to state to your Excellency that on this day I am in receipt of a letter from the county clerk of Anderson Co., stating that but a few days previous to the date of the letter a one armed Rebel Soldier who is unable to labor, has been driven out of the county for teaching a colored school, also of the same date Mrs. Trustall writes me that our little ones, the oldest one being only eleven years of age, are not permitted to go upon the streets, and that the Rebels boldly avow their intention to kill me on first sight on my return to said Anderson Co., my home. From the knowledge I have of the condition of things in the said Anderson Co. I have no doubt of the truth of the statement thus communicated to me. Nothing short of soldiers will keep down violence there. Eight murders have been committed already this year and I live in constant fear of death every day.

I have the honor to be
Very Respectfully
Your Obdt. Servt.
Wm. V. Trustall
Co. Judge, A. Co.

A True Copy