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The Freedmen's Bureau Online

Records of the Assistant Commissioner for the State of Virginia
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands, 1865 - 1869
National Archives Microfilm Publication No. 1048, Roll 59
"Records Relating to Murders and Outrages"

Index to Report of Outrages in Virginia

Date of Report: March 12th, 1866. Subject: burning of church and school house. County: Nansemond. District: 1st. Folio: 1.

Date of Report: March 12th, 1866. Subject: murder of a colored man by unknown parties. County: Isle of Wight. District: 1st. Folio: 2.

Date of Report: April 30th, 1866. Subject: reports that the County court refused to take up cases in accordance with circular No. 10, C. S. Hd. Qrs. Asst. Court. County: Nansemond. District: 1st. Folio: 2.

Date of Report: May 1st, 1866. Subject: report of riot and murders at Norfolk on April 16th during and after celebration of the passage of civil rights bill. Examination of Ed. Long, col'd, charged with murder of Robt. Whitehurst, (white), he is released on $500 bail, there being but slight evidence against him. County: Norfolk. District: 1st. Folio: 2.

Date of Report: May 31st, 1866. Subject: case of Carnick vs. Bell, action to recover rent of Farm from Jan. 1863 to Dec. 31, 1865. Said rent having been paid U. S. Gov't, Plaintiff enlisted in and left with Rebel army. Deft. pleaded that he had paid the Gov't the rent. Judge Baker overruled the plea on the expressed ground that "Carnick should not suffer for being absent doing his duty." Case postponed. County: Princess Ann. District: 1st. Folio: 8.

Date of Report: May 22nd, 1866. Subject: I. W. Croft reports investigation of the shooting of Saml. Ellis (col'd) by Kell Diggs (white) in Portsmouth. County: Norfolk. District: 1st. Folio: 8.

Copy of verdict of jury in above case - they find that the man was shot by some person unknown. County: Norfolk. District: 1st. Folio: 10.

Date of Report: May 23rd, 1866. Subject: I. W. Croft reports assault of Virginius Harvey (white) on Joseph Jeffery (col'd) with a brick, knocking him senseless. Harvey bound over to keep the peace - also reports shooting of a colored man named Tony Baker while on his way to jail. Charged with furnishing a prisoner with a file to help him make his escape - Tony ran away and was shot - also reports that two Negroes were almost clubbed to death by two night watchmen. Mayor dismissed the men from the night-watch. County: Norfolk. District: 1st. Folio: 11.

Date of Report: June 8th, 1866. Subject: Capt. Austin reports trial and evidence in case of the State vs. Edward Long (col'd) charged with the murder of R. B. Whitehurst (white) on April 16th. The jury after a short consultation returned a verdict of guilty of murder in 2nd degree - he was sentenced to eighteen years imprisonment. Thinks from the evidence that Long is innocent and that an unprejudiced and impartial jury would have acquitted him. County: Norfolk. District: 1st. Folio: 12.

Date of Report: June 30th, 1866. Subject: Asst. Supt. at Suffolk, Va. reports that outrages are of constant occurrence. A party of white ruffians perambulated the streets of Suffolk assaulting every Negro they met. Citizens took no notice of them. Later in the day they almost killed two old Negroes with bricks. Asst. Supt. went to the Mayor who referred him to the Chf. Magistrate _______ Reddick. Chf. Mag. Refused to act, running a crass ?act to read law to the Mayor to try and convince him it was his duty to act in the matter. The ruffians finally rode off into the country. The Asst. Supt. arrested the ringleader named Norfleet and handed him over tot he deputy Sheriff who let him go in 10 minutes - Mayor came at night to Asst. Supt. and offered to make out a warrant if Major Stone would make a written complaint - also reports that one of the said ruffians named Kerr some days ago shot a quiet Negro in the head, nearly killed him - he was not arrested - the Magistrate Reddick would have issued a warrant but his daughters persuaded him not to. County: Nansemond. District: 1st. Folio: 16.

Date of Report: July 5th, 1866. Subject: Asst. Supt. of Nansemond & Isle of Wight Co. asks for 2 non-commissioned officers & 10 men. Reports display of a rebel flag in Suffolk on July 4th by an Episcopal clergyman named Williams. Also reports that on Sunday night the house of a Negro named Ballard living near Windsor, Isle of Wight Co., was broken into - he was shot, probably fatally - his child was also wounded and his wife whipped. Also it has been reported that a Negro was shot in Isle of Wight Co. in the morning of 4th of July. This needs confirmation. County: Nansemond. District: 18th. Folio: 18. County: Isle of Wight. District: 1st. Folio: 19.

Date of Report: March 12, 1866. Subject: Supt. of Lunenburg Co. reports that a Freedman carried a notice to a citizen to appear at Freedmen's Court and settle a claim. Citizen attempted to drag him into the woods. Negro broke away and was fired at three times. Also six dogs set on his track by citizen. County: Lunenburg. District: 2nd. Folio: 21.

Date of Report: May 1st, 1866. Subject: reports of the burning of three colored churches at Petersburg, Va. Freed people much excited. County: Dinwiddie. District: 2nd. Folio: 21.

Date of Report: April 6th, 1866. Subject: Asst. Supt. of Lunenburg Co. reports that Chester Stokes (col'd) who was shot at and hounds set upon his track, went to a Magistrate who issued a warrant for the arrest of Stokes (white) and fixed a time for hearing the case. When the time arrived the plaintiff did not appear. Affidavit of Chester Stokes, colored, which shows why he did not appear. County: Lunenburg. District: 2nd. Folio: 24.

Date of Report: April 23rd, 1866. Subject: case of Phillip Brooks (col'd) who was beaten and had a pistol fired at him by Jacob Dixon (white). County: Nottoway. District: 2nd. Folio: 26.

Date of Report: April 24th, 1866. Subject: reports that a Mr. Coleman (white) shot and wounded a man and severely beat another col'd man. Five col'd reported the cases to a magistrate who said he would attend to it. 4 days after the Magistrate had the 5 men arrested and put in jail on a complaint of Mr. Coleman. Two have since been released - the rest are in jail. County: Nottoway. District: 2nd. Folio: 27.

Date of Report: May 10th, 1866. Subject: reports murder of Willis Craighead, colored, by parties unknown. County: Lunenburg. District: 2nd. Folio: 28.

Date of Report: May 27th, 1866. Subject: report of T. W. Roche on his investigation of the murder of Willis Craighead, colored. County: Lunenburg. District: 2nd. Folio: 29.

Date of Report: May 12th, 1866. Subject: case of Freedman tried for Pettite Larceny by Civil Authorities who received 20 lashes as sentence of court. County: Buckingham. District: 2nd. Folio: 33.

Date of Report: May 26th, 1866. Subject: case of an old freedwoman vs. Tomlinson, charged with beating her, which he admitted before a Magistrate - not a true bill. County: Lunenburg. District: 2nd. Folio: 34.

Date of Report: May 31st, 1866. Subject: case of Randolph Jones (col'd) charged with grand larceny in stealing six hogs from Blair Burnwell (white). It was not proven that he had anything to do with Mr. Burnwell's hogs. Jury found him guilty and he was sentenced to 3 years in penitentiary. County: Powhatan. District: 2nd. Folio: 34.

Date of Report: March 12th, 1866. Subject: reports assault on a colored man named Peter Stewart by a policeman named Jones and trial before the Mayor's court at Richmond, Va. County: Henrico. District: 3rd. Folio: 36.

Date of Report: May 1st, 1866. Subject: case of a colored boy named Robert Brown who was arrested and put in jail for having a knife in his hand and saying that "if he had been a man he would have hurt that man" - meaning a white man named Wm. Baldwin who had knocked his brother off the sidewalk and beaten him severely. Geo. Brown, the col'd boy beaten, went to Justice Timberlake for a warrant for the arrest of Baldwin - the Justice wouldn't grant him one. The Mayor of Richmond city afterwards released the boy Robert. County: Henrico. District: 3rd. Folio: 41.

Date of Report: June 12th, 1866. Subject: Asst. Supt. of Henrico Co. reports that very little attention is paid by the Civil Authorities to giving Freedmen charged with criminal offences an opportunity to procure witnesses for their defense. County: Henrico. District: 3rd. Folio: 41.

Date of Report: June 18th, 1866l. Subject: T. W. Roche reports assault on Henry Thompson (col'd) by a Mr. Dance assisted by three or four other white men in Richmond City - and his (Thompson's) final imprisonment by the police. County: Henrico. District: 3rd. Folio: 41.

Date of Report: June 19th, 1866. Subject: case of Robt. Hewlett (col'd) vs. Patrick Woods (white), assault with a whip. Case tried before Mayors Court of Richmond, Va. Woods acquitted. Asst. Supt. thinks him clearly proved guilty. County: Henrico. District: 3rd. Folio: 41.

Date of Report: June 30th, 1866. Subject: Asst. Supt. of Henrico Co. reports that prejudgment decisions are of more frequent occurrences than the preceding month, appeals are rarely granted Freedmen to enable them to procure witnesses on their behalf and very little credence is given to colored testimony. County: Henrico. District: 3rd. Folio: 46.

Date of Report: July 29th, 1866. Subject: case of Ann Bank (col'd) vs. Emmanuel Folks (white), assault and battery. Folks discharged by Mayor of Richmond. Asst. Supt. thinks that great injustice was done the woman. County: Henrico. District: 3rd. Folio: 47.

Date of Report: July 5th, 1866. Subject: report of Asst. Supt. on disturbance between white and colored men on 23rd Mch. at Richmond, Va. A white man commenced the disturbance. Several colored men were arrested and two or three held for trial - during the disturbance a white man named Coll fired at a colored man named Williams. Williams called attention to Policeman No. 65 to it and asked him to arrest Coll - the policeman arrested Williams. Coll was arrested by Asst. Supt. but was acquitted by the Mayor, saying he was satisfied in firing. County: Henrico. District: 3rd. Folio: 49.

Date of Report: July 8th, 1866. Subject: Supt. 3rd District reports that a Mrs. Coleman (col'd) was brought to his office in a cart having been struck on the back of the head with an axe and her left eye badly hurt. The attack was made on her by John B. Anderson and son (white). The Supt. and Asst. Supt. arrested the father but the son escaped. County: Henrico. District: 3rd. Folio: 51.

Date of Report: March 31st, 1866. Subject: reports the acquittal of Joseph Parker (white) tried for the murder of a Freedman named Roberts. Another report on the above case. County: Rappahanock. District: 4th. Folio: 52 & 53.

Date of Report: April 21st, 1866. Subject: reports the acquittal of James Quisenbury (white) tried for the murder of Washington Green (colored). County: Louisa. District: 4th. Folio: 55.

Date of Report: April 24th, 1866. Subject: reports the trial of some Freedmen charged with threatening the life of one Major Saunders. It was not proven that the prisoners threatened Major Saunders's life. The prisoners had no witnesses. County: Essex. District: 4th. Folio: 59.

Date of Report: May 12, 1866. Subject: reports that a Freedman had a citizen named Winfield I. Coons arrested on a warrant for assault & battery. The Magistrate did not allow the plaintiff to be sworn but simply took his statement. The Freedman had no counsel, the court asked no questions. Case dismissed, Freedman to pay costs. County: Culpepper. District: 4th. Folio: 60

Date of Report: May 15th, 1866. Subject: Asst. Supt. of Louisa Co. reports that on Court day a crowd of men attempted to lynch a Freedman. The Negro took refuge in the Asst. Supt.'s office, the crowd following him. The Asst. Supt. had a great difficulty in protecting the Negro. The court was settling in the next room but pretended no to have heard the disturbance. Three Magistrates refused to hear the Freedman's statement. A warrant was afterwards got out, signed by all three Magistrates for the arrest of Richard Bibb Jr. (white), a half brother of the Negro. The Sheriff could not find Bibb Jr. County: Louisa. District: 4th. Folio: 61.

Date of Report: May 16th, 1866. Subject: reports that Richard Bibb Jr. was arrested yesterday. The plaintiff had not been notified and was not there. The Asst. Supt. refused to attend as he did not consider it a proper hearing. Case postponed. County: Louisa. District: 4th. Folio: 66.

Date of Report: May 18th, 1866. Subject: statement handed Asst. Supt. by clerk of Louisa Court. County: Louisa. District: 4th. Folio: 67.

Date of Report: May 31st, 1866. Subject: Asst. Supt. reports that as near he can understand, the Justices of the Peace are averse to hearing the complaints of Freedmen against whites. County: Louisa. District: 4th. Folio: 69.

Date of Report: July 6th, 1866. Subject: reports murder of Minor Minifee (col'd) by Robert W. Esom (white) and acquittal of Esom. County: Rappahannock. District: 4th. Folio: 70.

Date of Report: March 19th, 1866. Subject: Asst. Supt. of Rockbridge Co. reports insult offered him about 1 a.m. Saturday morning, 17th March. County: Rockbridge. District: 6th. Folio: 73.

Date of Report: March 20th, 1866. Subject: Asst. Supt. reports that on the evening of the 19th inst. some person threw a large stone through the window of the Freedmen's School House at Lexington, one of the children was knocked over. County: Rockbridge. District: 6th. Folio: 74.

Date of Report: March 31st, 1866. Subject: Asst. Supt. reports the murder of a colored man named Bennett McCord in Berryville, Clarke Co., by a white man named Theodore Dooley. Dooley has not been arrested. County: Clarke. District: 6th. Folio: 76.

Date of Report: April 30th, 1866. Subject: reports the murderer of Bennett McCord still at large. County: Clarke. District: 6th. Folio: 76.

Date of Report: April 30th, 1866. Subject: reports the maltreatment of two Freedmen on the road to Mount Jackson to teach school. County: Shenandoah. District: 6th. Folio: 77.

Date of Report: May 31st, 1866. Subject: reports assault on Chas. E. Brown (col'd) by Ellis Harris (white) with a pistol. Justices refused to issue warrant. County: Frederick. District: 6th. Folio: 77.

Date of Report: June 14th, 1866. Subject: reports assault on a colored girl and man by a young white man named Brokenborough. The Mayor caused the colored man to pay the costs of the case. County: Rockbridge. District: 6th. Folio: 79.

Date of Report: June 14th, 1866. Subject: reports the case of a colored boy assaulted by a son of Judge Brokenborough for asking for pay due him and trial for the recovery of wages before the Mayor of Lexington, Va. who dismissed the case. County: Rockbridge. District: 6th. Folio: 79.

Date of Report: March 20th, 1866. Subject: Asst. Supt. report of investigation of the case of Charles McMahon, teacher of Freedmens School at Appomattox Cty. County: Appomattox. District: 7th. Folio: 81.

Date of Report: April 30th, 1866. Subject: Supt. at Lynchburg reports the case of a gentleman named Akers who stated he had been presented by the Grand Jury of Appomattox Co. for preventing a Justice of the Peace in making arrests of Slaves in unlawful assemblage and threatening to shoot him. Mr. A claims that the affair occurred after Lee's surrender. The assemblage (a wedding) was permitted by his grandmother. The Justice and escort desired to whip the Negroes and did whip 13 of them. County: Appomattox. District: 7th. Folio: 84.

Date of Report: May 28th, 1866. Subject: Supt. of Bedford Co. reports that he investigated a disturbance at Fincastle, Botetourt Co., between whites and Freedmen. Eight Negroes were knocked down and beaten, five of them severely. Two of the cases were committed through the day, the persons were arrested and bound over to keep the peace. The others were committed at night by unknown persons. County: Botetourt. District: 7th. Folio: 85.

Date of Report: May 31st, 1866. Subject: Asst. Supt. at Rocky Mt. reports case of Jas. M. Doss (white) and Thomas Phelps (black), both tried for horse theft and found equally guilty. One jury sentenced the white to one years imprisonment while an other jury sentenced the black to five years imprisonment. County: District: Folio: .

Date of Report: May 31st, 1866. Subject: Asst. Supt. at Lynchburg reports case of a colored man who was pursued, shot at and wounded in the hip by a party of white men because he would not play the banjo for them. County: Campbell. District: 7th. Folio: 87.

Date of Report: June 30th, 1866. Subject: Asst. Supt. at Staunton reports that he does not know of one instance in which the complaint of a Freedman against a white man has been noticed upon application of a Freedman. County: Augusta. District: 7th. Folio: 88.

Date of Report: July 6th, 1866. Subject: report on action of the Civil Authorities in the case of Floyd Adams, freed boy vs. Madison Dooms (white) for assault & battery, gross injustice was done the boy. County: Augusta. District: 7th. Folio: 89.

Date of Report: July 6th, 1866. Subject: Asst. Supt. at Lynchburg reports that he knows of no criminal cases in which the white man has been accused by the Freedman that have reached a higher court than a Magistrate. County: Campbell. District: 7th. Folio: 91.

Date of Report: July 6th, 1866. Subject: Asst. Supt. at Lexington reports assault of a freed boy named Eli King by a white boy, Joseph Ayers, with a stone. Ayers ordered to give bail in the sum of $25 to keep the peace. County: Rockbridge. District: 7th. Folio: 91.

Date of Report: July 11th, 1866. Subject: Asst. Supt. of Botetourt Co. reports investigation of outrage on a colored boy named Meadley by four white men. County: Botetourt. District: 7th. Folio: 93.

Date of Report: May 26th, 1866. Subject: Asst. Supt. of Smythe Co. reports trial of the case of Rosanna (col'd) vs. Wm. H. Jones (white), the woman was shot in the arm, case dismissed. County: Smythe. District: 8th. Folio: 97.

Date of Report: July 6th, 1866. Subject: Supt. of Smythe Co. reports that George, a Freedman, went to Wm. A. Jones for a settlement of wages, Jones ordered him away and threatened to flog him. County: Smythe. District: 8th. Folio: 98.

Date of Report: June 25th, 1866. Subject: Asst. Supt. of Smythe Co. reports further on the case of Rosanna (col'd) vs. Wm. A. Jones (white). County: Smythe. District: 8th. Folio: 99.

Date of Report: March 31st, 1866. Subject: Asst. Supt. of Matthews Co. reports the burning of a building used as a colored church & school house. County: Matthews. District: 9th. Folio: 102.

Date of Report: April 30th, 1866. Subject: Frank Abrams (col'd) vs. John Timberlake (white), assault & battery, settled between themselves. County: New Kent. District: 9th. Folio: 102.

Date of Report: May 8th, 1866. Subject: reports that Clara Tucker (col'd) requested a Justice of the Peace named Richardson to arrest a colored man named Matt Banks for assault & battery. Justice refused on the ground that he got no pay and said the Bureau had the man and the money and might try the case. County: Elizabeth City. District: 9th. Folio: 103.

Date of Report: May 23rd, 1866. Subject: Asst. Supt. of York Co. reports burning of a colored school house. County: York. District: 9th. Folio: 103.

Date of Report: May 24th, 1866. Subject: Asst. Supt. of York Co. reports case of injustice to a colored man named Robert Lewis by citizens and by the Civil Authorities on court days - disturbance almost resulted in a collision between the whites and blacks. County: York. District: 9th. Folio: 104.

Date of Report: June 2nd, 1866. Subject: Supt. 3rd Dist. Reports that Lucy Richardson (col'd) residing in King Wm. Co. brought to his office in the city of Richmond her daughter Martha who had been beaten in a most horrible and inhuman manner as she alleges by Mrs. Abrahams (white) of King Wm. Co. Has send the girl to Hospital. County: King William. District: 9th. Folio: 109.

Date of Report: June 4th, 1866. Subject: A. A. Surg. D. R. Brower reports on his examination of the condition of Martha Ann Banks (colored girl). County: King William. District: 9th. Folio: 110.

Date of Report: June 8th, 1866. Subject: T. W. Roche reports his investigation of the inhuman treatment of Martha Ann Banks (col'd girl) and also reports cruel treatment of other colored people by Mrs. Ann C. Abrahams. County: King William. District: 9th. Folio: 111.

Date of Report: June 27th, 1866. Subject: Judge Advocate Dept. Va. forwards testimony in the case of Martha Ann Banks (col'd girl) vs. Ann Catherine Abrahams (white). County: King William. District: 9th. Folio: 113.

Report of investigation and examination of witnesses in the Banks vs. Abrahams case. Remarks by A. I. Crane and T. P. August, Council for Mrs. Abrahams. County: King William. District: 9th. Folio: 114 and 178.

Date of Report: April 10th, 1866. Subject: Lt. Col. G. Mallery reports his investigation of the insult offered Miss Fannie Woods, teacher at Warrenton, Va. County: Fauquier. District: 10th. Folio: 180.

Date of Report: June 5th, 1866. Subject: Reports trial of William McClenahan (white) for the murder of Henry Hackey (col'd), acquitted unanimously. County: Northumberland. District: 10th. Folio: 181.

Evidence in above case. County: Northumberland. District: 10th. Folio: 182.

Date of Report: July 11th, 1866. Subject: Asst. Supt. Spottsylvania Co. reports assault on Minor Madison (col'd) by Keen (white) with a hammer, assault. Justified by the mayor of Fredericksburg. County: Spottsylvania. District: 10th. Folio: 204.

Date of Report: June 30th, 1866. Subject: Assault of James B. Smith (white) on Peggy Rich (colored) with a stick. Smith was arrested and released on bail - the same day again assaulted the woman - was again arrested and acquitted. County: Richmond. District: 10th. Folio: 203.