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The Freedmen's Bureau Online

Records of the Assistant Commissioner for the State of Virginia
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands, 1865 - 1869
National Archives Microfilm Publication No. 1048, Roll 59
Records Relating to Murders and Outrages

Register of Outrages Committed on Freedmen Jan. - Dec. 1868

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No of case: 1. On whom committed: Edward Davis. White or colored: Colored. By whom committed: Gustavus Creel. White or colored: White. Where: Fauquier Co., Va., When: Dec. 3rd, 1867. By whom reported: S. B. Smith A.S.A.C., Character of the outrage and action in the case: L. 17, R. F. A. L., VA., 1 VOL, 1868, dated Jany. 18th, 1868. Creel knocked Davis senseless with a fire shovel. Davis remained senseless with his feet in the fire until they were literally roasted. Creel compromised with Davis by paying him $10 or $12. Civil Authorities took no action in matter. Rec'd back Feb. 16, 1868 and filed. Case to be brought before Grand Jury in April, 1868.

No of case: 2. On whom committed: George Goldman. White or colored: Colored. By whom committed: Charles Allen and Overton. White or colored: White. Where: York Co. Va. When: (blank). By whom reported: E. W. Massey (civilian). Character of the outrage and action in the case: M. 30., R. F. & A. L., VA, 1868, dated January 21st, 1868. Charles Allen fired at, and Overton Allen attempted to shoot Goldman. Was unable to obtain justice from Civil Authorities. Referred to S. C. Armstrong S. A. C. January 22nd/68 with instructions to bring case before Mil. Authorities if proper.

No. of case: 3. On whom committed: Three females. White or colored: Colored. By whom committed: V.C.R.R.Co. White or colored: (blank). Where: Gordonsville, Va. When: Feb. 21st, 1868. By whom reported: M. S. Hopkins, USAC. Character of the outrage and action in the case: H. 65, R. F. & A. L., VA, 1868, dated Feb. 21st, 1868. Put out of ladies car at Gordonsville on account of color. They wish to bring case with U.S. Dist. Court if advisable. Papers filed.

No. of case: 4. On whom committed: Moses Johnson. White or colored: Colored. By whom committed: Civil Authorities. White or colored: (blank). Where: Fredericksburg, Va. When: February, 1868. By whom reported: James Johnson S. A. C. and Hector Sears A. S. A. C. Character of the outrage and action in the case: Report under Cir. 10, for month ending Feb. 29th, 1868. Johnson charged by Robert Hart (white) with stealing a watch and chain last two (2) years previously. Johnson proved that he had brought the chain. The watch had been recovered by Hart six months previous. Johnson acquitted but made to pay costs. Case referred to Mil. Commissioner.

No. of case: 5. On whom committed: James King. White or colored: Colored. By whom committed: James Moxley. White or colored: White. Where: Stafford Co., Va. When: February 1868. By whom reported: James Johnson S. A. C. and Hector Sears A. S. A. C. Character of the outrage and action in the case: In same report. Severe whipping of James King, a colored boy by Moxley. Case referred to Mil. Commissioner.

No. of case: 6. On whom committed: Willis Fowler. White or colored: Colored. By whom committed: Civil Authorities. White or colored: (blank). Where: Fluvanna Co., Va. When: March 1868. By whom reported: E. C. Morse, A. S. A. C. Character of the outrage and action in the case: Report under Cir. 10, for mo. ending Mch. 31st/68. Fowler charged with burning two barns. Evidence circumstantial. Alibi proved. Prisoner found guilty by jury and sentenced to 3 years in the Penitentiary. Case to be carried to Circuit Court for revision, the court certifying to the facts proved.

Report under Cir. 10 for mo. ending April 30, 1868. Verdict set aside by Circuit Court. A new trial to take place in May or June.

Report under Cir. 10 for mo. ending May 31st/68. On new trial Fowler was sentenced to 10 years imprisonment in Penitentiary.

M. 186, R. F. & A. L., VA, 1868., dated June 17/1868. Requests interference of the Asst. Comr. in case of Willis Fowler, as from the evidence he (Morse) takes him to be innocent. Forwarded to the Gov. of Va. June 18/1868, soliciting his early attention to the case. Received back June 20th, 1868 with the information that a pardon had been granted that day.

No. of case: 7. On whom committed: Douglas J. Harris and others. White or colored: Colored. By whom committed: Nelson Co. Ct. White or colored: (blank). Where: Nelson Co., Va. When: February 1868 term of Ct. Reported by whom: Themselves. Character of the outrage and action in the case: H. 70, R. F. & A. L., VA, 1868, dated March 24th, 1868. State that they were unjustly fined for an alleged violation of law, when they had committed no offence. Referred March 25, 1868 to R. S. Lacey S. A. C. for immediate investigation and report.

No. of case: 8. On whom committed: Union men. White or colored: White, Colored. By whom committed: Rebels. White or colored: White. Where: Collierstown, Va. When: February 3rd, 1868. By whom reported: Chas. King (civilian). Character of the outrage and action in the case: K.5, R. F. & A. L., VA, 1868, dated February 4, 1868. Union men assaulted during service at M. E. Church. Asks assistance. Referred to Bureau March 4, 1868 by General Schofield for investigation and report. Referred to Douglas Frazar A.S.A.C. March 6, 1868 for compliance with endorsement of Genl. Schofield. Returned by Douglas Frazar March 18, 1868 with report showing nature of outrage which consisted in throwing of eggs &c, names several persons participating therein. Civ. Aut. had not acted. Returned to Col. Chalfin A.A. Genl. March 24th, 1868 inviting attention to report.

No. of case: 9. On whom committed: Colored man and School house. White or colored: Colored. By whom committed: Ku Klux Klan. White or colored: White. Where: Warrenton, Va. When: April 4th, 1868. By whom reported: Morton Havens, A. S. A. C. Character of the outrage and action in the case: L. 84, R. F. & A. L., VA, 1868, dated April 7th, 1868. Beating of colored man in his house at midnight, with pistols &c. Breaking into colored school house and committing outrages therein. Civil Authorities aware of organization but take no measures to stop it. Forwarded April 13th to Col. Chalfin A. A. Genl., 1st Mil. Dist. Va.

No. of case: 10. On whom committed: John Burns. White or colored: Colored. By whom committed: Civil Authorities. White or colored: (blank). Where: Lexington, Va. When: April 1868. By whom reported: Douglas Frazar, A. S. A. C. Character of the outrage and action in the case: L. 103, R. F. & A. L., VA, 1868, dated April 19, 1868. Reports sentence of Burns to 16 years in Penitentiary for burglary with attempt to commit rape on a daughter of R. J. Echols. Evidence shows no proof of guilt, and case appears to have been gotten up by the friends of the girl to clear her from guilt in the eyes of the community.

L. 104, R. F. & A. L., VA, 1868, dated April 22, 1868. Forwards clipping from newspaper about the same case, written by local editor who was one of the counsel for the defense.

L. 103 & 104, forwarded to Col. S. T. Chalfin, A. A. Genl., 1st Mil. Dist. "soliciting such action as will secure justice in this case."

Reported by O. Brown, Asst. Comr. L. S. 428, R. F. & A. L., VA, 1868, dated July 9th, 1868. Address Gov. Wells stating that he has been "informed that the record and papers in this case have been recently returned to you by the Maj. Genl. comdg. this Dist. for your future action." After a review of the case, the Asst. Comr. hopes that Burns may receive a full and immediate pardon.

Reported by H. H. Wells, Gov. of Va. - V. 25, R. F. & A. L., VA, 1868, dated July 14, 1868. Returns letter no. 428 and invites attention to endorsement of Bvt. Lt. Col. H. Burnham, Judge Advocate, on enclosed papers (L. 103 & 104). Forwarded to War Dept. Bureau R. F. & A. L. July 14, 1868 calling attention to injustice of case.

Reported by War Dept. Bureau R. F. A. L., W. 362, R. F. & A. L., VA, 1868, dated July 17th, 1868. States that the papers in the John Burns case have been returned to his Ex. H. H. Wells, Gov. of Va., requesting a full and immediate pardon. Burns was subsequently pardoned by the Governor.

No. of case: 11. On whom committed: Thos. G. Murphy (Teacher). White or colored: White. By whom committed: John Cheatham. White or colored: White. Where: Amelia Co., Va. When: 1867. Reported by whom: J. B. Clinton U. S. A. C. Character of the outrage and action in the case: Report under Cir. 10, month ending April 30th, 1868. Attack on Murphy by Cheatham in 1867, case not tried until April 1868. Cheatham was fined $8.00.

No. of case: 12. On whom committed: Freedman. White or colored: Colored. By whom committed: KKKs. White or colored: White. Where: Roanoke Co., Va. When: April 1868. By whom reported: C. S. Schaeffer A. S. A. C. Character of outrage and action in the case: Report under Cir. 10 for month ending April 30th, 1868. Freedman abused and shot at by KKKs which he resented and was fined $3.00 for breach of peace, while the man who fired the shot was fined $1.00 for unlawful shooting. Case referred to Mil. Commissioner and KKKs put in jail to await action of the Maj. Genl. Cmdg. 1st Mil. Dist.

No. of case: 13. On whom committed: John Foster. White or colored: Colored. By whom committed: Students of Emory and Henry College. White or colored: White. Where: Washington Co., Va. When: May 5th, 1868. By whom reported: Chas. McDougal A. S. A. C. Character of outrage and action in the case: A. 126, R. F. & A. L., VA, 1868, dated May 10, 1868. Students disguised as KKKs visited the house of Foster and called him out telling him they had come after him. When rushing upon Foster to seize him, he fired, severely wounding the son of Dr. Pitts. The colored man reported the facts next morning and in view of the severe punishment received at Foster's hands it was thought best to do nothing further in the matter, it being generally believed that the students had no malicious intentions but only desired to amuse themselves at the colored man's expense.

No. of case: 14. On whom committed: Ruffin Brown, Phillip Powell. White or colored: Colored. By whom committed: ____Nobles. White or colored: White. Where: Brunswick Co., Va. When: May 19, 1868. By whom reported: A. C. Burbank (civilian). Character of outrage and action in the case: B. 59, R. F. & A. L., VA, 1868, dated May 20, 1868. Shooting of Ruffin and Philip by the Nobles. Killing of one and wounding of the other. Returned to J. R. Stone S. A. C. May 25th, 1868 with directions to bring case before Military Commissioner.

No. of case: 15. On whom committed: Lovelace Bland. White or colored: Colored. By whom committed: Civil Authorities. White or colored: (blank). Where: Manchester, Va. When: (blank). By whom reported: B. C. Cook, A. S. A. C. Character of the outrage and action in the case: N. 148, R. F. & A. L., VA, 1868, dated May 25, 1868. Failure to obtain Justice from Civil Authorities in prosecuting claim for one year and seven months services. Returned to Lieut. P. R. Hambrick S. A. C. 3rd Sub. Dist. May 29th,1868 with directions to bring case before Military Commissioner.

No. of case: 16. On whom committed: Hiram Turner. White or colored: Colored. By whom committed: Civil Authorities. White or colored: (blank). Where: Shenandoah Co., Va. When: (blank). By whom reported: J. T. H. Hall A. S. A. C. Character of the outrage and action in the case: M. 143, R. F. & A. L., VA, 1868, dated April 24, 1868. Reports failure of Civil Authorities to administer justice in case of assault and highway robbery committed on Turner. Of the two men who attacked Turner, one was arrested two days after assaults &c., and held for assault simply, the other man escaped through neglect of officer.

Forwarded to Bvt. Co. S. T. Chalfin May 6th, 1868 requesting action of Military Commissioner.

No. of case: 17. On whom committed: Freedman. White or colored: (blank). By whom committed: Civil Authorities. White or colored: (blank). Where: Goochland Co., Va. When: May 1st, 1868. By whom reported: E. C. Morse A. S. A. C. Character of the outrage and action in the case: Report under Cir. 10 for month ending May 31st, 1868. Case of Freedman put in jail without legal examination or proper documents. Case not on docket when court was held. Jailor and Sheriff called on for explanation, as to authority under which they held the man. Jailor stated that the magistrate had written a note to clerk of court that he had committed prisoner for Larceny. Sheriff advised by court to release prisoner, which he did.

No. of case: 18. On whom committed: Freedman. White or colored: (blank). By whom committed: Civil Authorities. White or colored: (blank). Where: Fluvanna Co., Va. When: 1867. By whom reported: E. C. Morse A. S. A. C. Character of the outrage and action in the case: In same report. Freedman confined in jail since October 1867 on charge of horse stealing. Prisoner discharged at May 1868 term of court after being seven months in jail, the Com. Attorney being satisfied that no case could be made out against him.

No. of case: 19. On whom committed: Freedman. White or colored: (blank). By whom committed: Civil Authorities. White or colored: (blank). Where: Fluvanna Co., Va. When: Apr. or May 1868. By whom reported: E. C. Morse A. S. A. C. Character of the outrage and action in the case: Report under Cir. 10 for mo. ending May 31st, 1868. Freedman confined in jail as a supposed fugitive from justice in Richmond. Jailor had no mittimus and stated that officer who brought prisoner told him that Justice Clark had committed him. Justice Clark said he had issued a warrant but the prisoner had not been before him and he knew nothing about it. Prisoner discharged.

No. of case: 20. On whom committed: Howard York. White or colored: Colored. By whom committed: Charles Walker. White or colored: Colored. Where: Port Royal, Caroline Co., Va. When: October 1867. Reported by whom: F. S. Fukey, A. S. A. C. Character of the outrage and action in the case: Report under Cir. 10 for mo. ending May 31st/68. Reports of murder of York by Walker and acquitted of the murder. Political quarrel the cause. Howard was formerly a U. S. Soldier. Walker a conservative Negro, which facts were dwelt upon by the defendants attorney.

Reported by W. A. Coulter A. A. A. G. LS. 366, R. F. & A. L., VA, 1868, dated June 4th, 1868. Addresses Jas. Johnson S. A. C. and directs him to bring matter to notice of Mil. Comr. if proper, after personal investigation.

No. of case: 21.On whom committed: Ceasar Griffin. White or colored: Colored. By whom committed: Civil Authorities. White or colored: (blank). Where: Lexington, Va. When: May 1868. By whom reported: Douglas Frazar A. S. A. C. Character of the outrage and action in the case: Report under Cir. 10 for mo. ending May 31st, 1868. Griffin arrested for shooting a son of Judge Brockenborough and confined in jail. Bail for $600 required in face of the perfect health of the boy shot. Believes the boy Griffin guiltiness and the shooting done in self defense. Note - no subsequent report has been received in this case owing to the absence of a Bureau officer from Lexington. It has however been learnt thro unofficial sources that Griffin has been sentenced to two years imprisonment in the Penitentiary at the September term of the court.

Oct. 20th, 1868. Petition for a writ of habeas corpus has been executed and will be duly presented to the Judge of the U. S. Dist. Court. It is based upon the disqualification, under the constitutional amendment, of the Judge before whom the case was tried and is intended as a test case.

Report under Cir. 6 for mo. ending Aug. 31st, 1868. Remarks on the Ceasar Griffin case (see cases 61 & 62 in this book for other cases in this report).

No. of case: 22. On whom committed: Melissa Ewell. White or colored: Colored. By whom committed: Unknown. White or colored: (blank). Where: Accomack Co., Va. When: Dec. 25th, 1867. By whom reported: G. R. Sherwood Lt. & A. S. A. C. Character of the outrage and action in the case: Report under Cir. 6 for mo. ending Jany. 31, 1868. Reports that Melissa was shot by some person unknown and died soon after. One colored man had been arrested upon suspicion but released as no evidence could be found against him.

No. of case: 23. On whom committed: Freedman. White or colored: (blank). By whom committed: Three men. White or colored: White. Where: Washington Co., Va. When: January 1868. By whom reported: F. J. Dunn, Lt. & A. S. A. C. Character of the outrage and action in the case: Report under Circular 6 for mo. ending Jan. 31st/68. Reports that a colored man was proceeding to the railroad and was met by three men, one shouted "there comes a radical lets go for him," whereupon one of them drew a pistol & beat the colored man over the head with the butt, hurting him badly. The sheriff after delay proceeded to arrest them but they had fled to Tennessee.

No. of case: 24. On whom committed: Chas. W. Barbour. White or colored: Colored. By whom committed: Charles Chamberlain, Frederick Boyer. White or colored: White. Where: Newtown, Va. When: Jany. 18, 1868. By whom reported: J. McDonnell S. A. C. Character of the outrage and action in the case: Reports under Cir. 6, for mo. ending Jany. 31/68. Reports shooting of Barbour in back by Boyer on his attempting to escape from Boyer and Chamberlain. The horse being ridden by Boyer (Barbour?) was taken off by the two men. A warrant was issued for their arrest, they having fled were pursued some distance, and their pursuit abandoned. It is believed they are in the mountains.

Report under Cir. 6 for mo. ending Feb. 29, 1868. Reports Boyer and Chamberlain still at large and it is not known that the Civil Authorities are using any further efforts to arrest them. It is said the culprits are endeavoring to compromise the matter with the freedman.

No. of case: 25. On whom committed: Jim Holden. White or colored: Colored. By whom committed: John J. Joines. White or colored: White. Where: Pungoteague, Va. When: February 1868. By whom reported: J. P. Sherwood, Lt. & A. S. A. C. Character of the outrage and action in the case: Report under Cir. 6 for month ending Feby. 29, 1868. Reports shooting of Holden by Joines, the former having refused to leave the latter's kitchen when ordered to do so. That he (Lt. Sherwood) caused the arrest of Joines who was bound over to appear at March term of court with sureties in the sum of $500.