Records of the Assistant Commissioner for the District of Columbia Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands, 1865-1869
National Archives Microfilm Publication M1055 Roll 21
"Miscellaneous Reports and Lists"
Summary of Census Return of Colored Population of Georgetown, D. C.
Black - 2229
Mulatto - 1664
Quadroon - 305
Octoroon - 64
Male - 1965
Female - 2297
14 years and under - 1379
Under 20 over 14 - 619
Under 50 over 20 - 1614
Under 70 over 50 - 585
Over 70 - 65
Status on Jan. 1st, '63
Slaves - 1673
Free - 2588
Resident - 3082
Non-Resident - 1180
Laborer - 2810
Mechanic - 103
Employed by Gov't - 56
Employed by former owner - 16
Wages per month - 1256
Not employed - 3006
Helped by Gov't - 6
Able to read - 1056
Unable to read - 3206
Unable to support themselves - 473
Estimated money value property -- $297,245