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The Freedmen's Bureau Online

Records of the Assistant Commissioner for the State of Arkansas
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands, 1865 - 1869
National Archives Microfilm Publication M979 Roll 52
"Lists of Teachers Entitled to Purchase Rations"

Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands
For the State of Arkansas
Little Rock, Ark. May 1st, 1867

List of Teachers on duty in Arkansas

Butler, Mr. E. M.
Butler, Miss S. B.
Byers, Mr. Thos. S.
Carhart, Miss Emma
Clark, Miss Eliza
Edwards, Miss Mary J.
Edwards, Miss Lizzie
Favers, Miss Maggie
Griswold, Miss Ruby
Haskell, Mr. Geo. M.
Henly, Miss Sarah H.
Hitchcock, Mrs. Mary B.
Howard, Mr. Dennison
Hubbard, Mr. Wm. A.
King, Miss Almira
Lyman, Mr. Jas. O.
Neff, Mr. K. M.
Pickering, Miss Sarah
Pierce, Mrs. Almira C.
Stuart, Miss Mary
Stickle, Mr. A. B.
Stickle, Mrs. Mary S.
Stith, Miss Fanny
Tenney, Miss Cate B.
Webb, Mr. J. B.

I certify that the above is a correct list of teachers actually on duty and entitled under existing Orders to purchase rations of the government on the same terms as officers of the army.
Wm. M. Colby
Supt. Education for Ark.